Chapter 5

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A/N: So sorry about the late update!! I had a super busy day getting ready for my graduation tomorrow while also dealing with a power outage. Thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy the chapter :3


Lloyd had a strange dream that night. He was walking through a dark, ominous forest. Cold winds sent chills up his spine. He didn't know where he was, but his feet seemed to know where to lead him.

Something crashed in the distance and he jumped. He spun toward the sound to see smoke trailing into the sky. He wanted to go see what had fallen, but his feet were leading him onward again.

Somewhere in his path the foliage began to thin out. The trees separated, and he came to a wide, grassy clearing. He looked around. Something about the place was familiar to him. He had been there before.

He had been there multiple times before.

As he observed the green around him, the clear sky and the faint chirping of birds in the distance, he suddenly remembered.

That forest was the same forest he used to visit in his visions.

The clearing he stood in was the same clearing he would meet Cole or Kai in the dream world.

Only something was wrong. Whenever he had had a vision, the forest had been bright and sunny, with lush green grass and bushes. But now the world was dark. The green was almost black, the sky was gray, the sound of the wildlife was empty and foreboding.

Lloyd continued to scan his surroundings. He hoped Kai or Cole would show up, for he was beginning to feel afraid. Why am I here? he wondered, moving deeper into the clearing. Why does it look like this?

Suddenly, his ears picked up the sound of running water. He looked around as a tangle of vines separated to reveal a pool of water surrounded by stones. A small waterfall trickled into it.

I've never seen this here before, Lloyd thought, more suspicious than curious. As he drew closer, he noticed there was a person sitting beside the pool.

He halted again. "Who are you?" he demanded.

The man turned his head to blink at him, and Lloyd felt a flash of recognition. "Dad?" he gasped.

Garmadon turned back to the water and patted the grass beside him. "Come here, son," he replied.

Lloyd couldn't move for a few minutes. This was just a dream. But I'm in the vision world, he thought, bewildered. How could he share a vision with Garmadon if his father was dead?

Warily, he stepped closer until he was at the edge of the pool. Then he sat down on the grass and turned to gaze at his father.

Garmadon kept his eyes on the water. "Look," he said.

Lloyd did, and he noticed a strange glow was brightening the pool. Garmadon slipped his hand into the water, and a burst of blue light rippled over the surface. Eyes widening in wonder, Lloyd reached out to do the same, but Garmadon grabbed his wrist before he could touch the water.

"Your power is too much," the sensei murmured, staring down at his son's fingers. "The same element that brings life, can bring death just as easily."

Lloyd pulled his hand away. He stared at Garmadon, disappointment falling over him. This wasn't his father. His father was warm and loving, with a big smile on his face and open arms to hold him in. But this Garmadon was ancient and wise, a dark, knowing shadow over his eyes.

Flames of the Past #5: Lost Souls (Ninjago Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now