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The next couple of days of Elle and Lee's visit disappear in a blur of meals at all my favorite places, touring around Cambridge and the city and a games night at Chloe's place. It was cool to see Elle and Chloe getting to know each other better, and Chloe's willingness to do whatever it takes to get the perfect photo for Elle made me smile. I genuinely want them to get along because they're two of the most important people in my life and I need Elle to really see that Chloe really is for me what Lee is to her. Nothing more. But also nothing less, either.

Last time Elle came to visit, I made the mistake of keeping her mostly to myself (because I missed her so much) and that backfired massively. She didn't get to know my friends or really see what my life is like here and I guess looking back on it, that left her with more questions than answers, and when her imagination filled in the blanks... well, yeah, I'm determined not to repeat that mistake this time around. Having Lee here as well has been cool, because I think maybe Elle has felt less out of place with him to share that with.

But now he's leaving to drive out to Brown to meet up with Rachel and her parents, and I'm wondering how things are going to be now that it's just Elle and me here. I give him a quick hug and then hang back, leaving Elle to walk him over to his Mustang, watching as he shoves some more empty candy-bar wrappers at her. Seriously, how much junk did these two eat on the drive here? They exchange a few words that I can't hear and Lee pulls Elle into a hug before planting a kiss on her cheek while she ruffles his hair.

And then he's off, Elle waving as he drives past the dorms. I watch her expression as she walks back towards where I'm leaning against a pillar at the entry, a thread of anxiety circling my stomach. When she gets back, I muster up the courage to ask the obvious question.

"You sure you'll be able to cope without him?"

"It's only a couple of days," Elle scoffs, but there's a tightness around her eyes that tells me she's not as unbothered as she's trying to seem.

"It'll be good practice for you guys, in case you don't end up at Berkeley together," I say, aiming for nonchalant as I throw an arm around her shoulders and draw her in close, nuzzling my nose against hers. "You know, since you put in those applications at schools in Boston..."

Instead of answering, Elle give me a look, running her finger over the logo on my T-shirt. "Guess we've got some time to ourselves."

I draw her even closer, till she's flush against me, all my thoughts about Lee and next year rapidly evaporating. "Oh, yeah?"

"There you guys are!"

Chloe's voice calls out and just like that, whatever Elle and I were leading up to is instantly doused. I'm not used to my friend being a cockblock, because it's usually so rare for her and Elle to be in the same place at the same time. Turning slightly away from Elle, I grin ruefully at Chloe, raising an eyebrow at the interruption. Either she doesn't notice or she's enjoying the payback, because Chloe plows on, undeterred.

"Great news. A bunch of us are going to Shay's tonight. We'll grab some dinner there, too. You'll love it, Elle. It's like, sort of a dive bar, but kind of cute? I mean, they have a brie plate. It's to die for. And the Riesling is delicious."

Elle doesn't respond right away, and I get it, Chloe can be a little overwhelming, but in a good way, so I smile more genuinely at my friend, because this is both a great plan and it isn't happening immediately, which means I still get to spend some time with Elle alone beforehand.

"Awesome. You'll love it, Elle. And you'll get to meet everyone."

Knowing how long it takes Elle to get ready, I suggest she showers first (alone, because me being in there with her would absolutely not result in speeding up the getting ready process) and then take my turn. I don't rush, because, well... Elle will be doing hair and makeup and all that, and I take my sweet time shaving too. By the time I get dressed and head back into my room, Elle's apparently ready and just finishing up a phone call.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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