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I'm running on the soft sand, which I absolutely hate. Normally half of it ends up in my shoes, but I've taken them off, stringing them around my neck, my socks stuffed inside. The soft sand is way harder to run on than the firm stuff, and my only consolation is that every mile I do will mean something when I get tryouts. I do most of my training while Elle sleeps, it's just easier that way. I like to get it done first thing in the morning, before she gets up, so I'm free to enjoy the rest of the day with her.

Today's going to be a break in our newly-established routine. Lee and Rachel are coming to stay for the night. I know Elle's excited, but I'm a little wary. Elle and I have a nice thing going here together, and I'm not completely confident that Lee's going to appreciate that, even with Rachel to distract him. Spending basically 24/7 together has meant that Elle and I are more comfortable together than we were before. Not in a boring way, I smile to myself. Being with Elle is never boring, that's for sure.

It's more like in a calm way. Because we have more time, we're not rushing every interaction together. It's kind of like we've become better friends as well, whereas before, it was more like we were so focused on just getting enough time to be together. I don't think I've ever talked to anyone as much and about as many things as I have with Elle this past couple of weeks. Actually, I know I haven't. For her part, Elle's been pretty forthcoming too, filling in some of the gaps for me, little things I never knew.

Because for as much as I've known Elle her whole life, I haven't been her confidant the way Lee has, at least not always. There was a time right after her mom passed away when Elle and I shared some late night conversations when she couldn't sleep, but it's not like we've always been close like she and Lee have. It feels like that's changing as we get to know each other better, and I'm not sure Lee's going to be all that appreciative of our newfound equilibrium. Not that I've said anything about this to Elle. I know she'll just think I'm overreacting, but we'll see.

When it comes to me, Lee's got a bit of a chip on his shoulder that tends towards jealousy. That combined with the fact that he feels an absurd amount of ownership over Elle and their friendship, doesn't bode well in my opinion. I just hope his mooning over Rachel hasn't waned since we last saw them, because it might be the only thing that stops him from getting petty about how close Elle and I are now. I'd love to be proven wrong about my brother, but I've seen this particular character trait of his in action too many times to count.

As I near the beach house, I slow my run to a jog, and then to a walk, catching my breath. I'm way too sweaty and sandy to contemplate walking inside as I am, so I toss my shoes down and pull off my t-shirt before jumping into the pool. The cool water is a shock, but it's not long before I adjust to the temperature and it starts to feel refreshing.

"Are you crazy?" Elle exclaims, walking outside, a steaming cup of coffee in one hand, a towel in the other.

"It's not as bad as an ice-bath, Shelly," I grin, treading water.

She makes a disgusted face. "Ugh, makes me shiver just thinking about it."

"Not gonna lie, ice-baths suck. But they make recovery faster. Beats limping around bruised and sore for days after a game."

"Football just sounds stupid," Elle frowns. "Who does that to themselves willingly?"

"Come on, Shelly, you know you love watching me run around in uniform."

"Pfft, whatever." This is accompanied by an obligatory eye-roll from her, but I see the hint of a blush that accompanies it. Interesting. Maybe my comment wasn't so far off the mark after all.

I swim slowly back to the steps before getting out of the pool and walking over to where Elle is holding out the towel for me. Peering at her while I dry off, I can't help but ask.

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