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Elle and I have breakfast in the dining hall before I head off to classes and she goes to her first interview at Boston University. She seems happy, if a little nervous when we part ways, but like I tell her, I know she'll do great. There are few people who can resist the charm of Elle Evans in person, as I well know. Meanwhile, I need to focus for the next few hours and try not to panic about how much study I did not do while she's been here.

It will be fine, I tell myself. It has to be. I'll just have to pull late-nighters every day this week to make up for it. I can do that. That's why they invented energy drinks, right? Plus, it's a small price to pay for getting to spend the whole weekend with Elle, I think with a smile. A tiny, insignificant price, compared to how good having that time together has been.

I check my phone between lectures, seeing that she's sent me an update.

Elle: BU - done. On my way to BC

I tap out a quick reply.

Me: Awesome. Go get em. x

For the few minutes it takes me to get to the next building over and wind my way through the corridors to the right room, I let myself imagine what it would be like if Elle did get into either BU or BC. As much as Harvard would be awesome, even having her in the same city would be amazing. Maybe we could get an apartment together, somewhere in between the campuses?

I almost stop mid-step, recovering right before I stumble over my own feet. Did I really just think about moving in with Elle? A part of me wonders if I've gone completely insane. Is this the kind of craziness that comes from being away from the person you love for so long and then finally getting to spend time with them again?

Would I actually want to live with Elle? Would she want to live with me? Would that even work? I mean, it had been pretty incredible to stay together at the beach house at the end of summer. If living together here could be even half as good as that it's worth some further thought. Not that I'll say anything to Elle yet, though. She's barely even started the application process. But it is something to maybe look forward to if everything lines up just right.

For now though, I need to focus on the task at hand - not falling any further behind in my classes, starting with scrambling to take notes for the next two hours. By the time it's over and I'm walking back to the dining hall for lunch, I have another text from Elle, telling me she's done with BC and is almost at Tufts. It worked out pretty well that her last stop will be back here, because she should be finished about the same time as I get done with classes for the day.

The time still drags, though, and the last hour I have to spend sitting in a room listening to the professor drone on is torture. I think it's worse knowing that Elle is here, on campus, just a few buildings away and I can't be with her. Of course, the worst part is knowing that she's going to be leaving Boston in a few short hours to go home to LA and I can't go with her. Thanksgiving feels really far away right now.

Five minutes before the end of the lecture, I start getting itchy feet and I can't stop my knee bouncing, despite the looks I'm getting from the other students nearby. As soon as it looks like the professor is beginning to wrap things up, I start shoving my stuff into my backpack and the second I can, I'm up out of my seat, the first one out the door. Checking my phone as I walk down the hall towards the exit, I don't have any messages from Elle, so she mustn't have finished her interview here yet.

I sprint across the Yard towards the administration building, but when I reach the steps there's no sign of Elle, so I take up a waiting post, leaning against one of the broad columns across from the doors. A few minutes later, I spot her about to push through the glass doors, head down, phone in her hand. Crossing my arms, I smirk as she glances up and notices me standing only a few feet away.

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