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A/N: A bit of a movie/book combo with this one, but I've taken a bit of artistic license, editing out the Lee-playing-football-thing. I get that he didn't play because of feeling overshadowed by Noah, but him picking it up in his senior year and playing on the varsity team never really sat right in my mind... Anyway, hope you enjoy this one, although, you know, sad Noah...

After talking with Elle, I quickly get changed and head to football training, making it just in time. Coach still gives me a look though, and I know I'll have to bust my ass to get back in his good books. After training, I grab a shower in the locker room, since the water pressure's way better than the dorms, and head straight to the dining hall for dinner with some of the guys. Back in my room, I settle in at my desk, trying to find the motivation to open my books again. It's a welcome relief when a video call comes through on my laptop, Elle's face popping up on the screen. Thinking back to our earlier conversation, I can't help but tease her a little.

"So how's Aunt Rose?"

"Oh, come on. You can stop smirking now."

I laugh, for the first time since I spoke to Elle earlier, and she continues, sobering. "I miss you, jerk."

"I miss you more." I hope the gravity of those four small words makes it through the screen. Because I miss Elle so much it hurts.

Her face twists a little and then she's back to joking. "So, you big man on campus yet?"

I laugh again, this time a little nervously. "No, not exactly. You know, it's kinda different here."

"What do you mean?"

Elle straight up asking makes me pause. And right now, I want to tell her everything. How bad things actually are. But where do I start? I look down, instead of at Elle, trying to form the words.

"Well, uh..." I pause, almost ready to tell Elle everything. But then she jumps in.

"What's wrong?"

The concern in her voice stops me. That and that one word that stops me - wrong. I desperately don't want to believe that everything's gone wrong, and telling Elle will make it seem that much more real. I don't want to see the look on her face, the disappointment...

"Nothing! No, nothing's wrong. Just... doesn't matter."

I hear Elle sigh, because I'm still not looking her in the eye. "Hey. It's okay to be homesick."

I'm not homesick. That is not the problem. If only it were that simple.

"I'm... I'm fine. I'm... seriously, I'm fine. It's just, you know..." I try putting on a smile and decide to change tack. "What about you? How about you? Have you applied to any more schools?"

Elle groans, leaning back against her pillows. "Don't even get me started on Berkeley! If Lee and I both don't get in, I'm..."

It's my turn to frown. "Don't tell me you've only applied to one school, Elle."

"I know," she says, touching her face nervously. "But it's literally the only school we've ever talked about going to."

"Well..." the thought comes into mind and out of my mouth before I even register it's happening. "You know what you could do?"

Elle's face grows curious but she doesn't answer.

"Apply here."

She scoffs. "As if I could get into Harvard."

"Elle, there's over 30 schools that you could apply to in Boston," I say, chuckling.

"And your point being that at least one of them would accept my sorry ass?"

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