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A/N - Okay, right off the bat here, the people have spoken, smut >>> cute. So if that really isn't for you, skip between the ***. That being said, these two are cute and playful anyway, and it's not super graphic, because I feel like that would be a little weird for them right now... smut lite, if you will. Anyway, let me know what you think.

Opening my eyes, it takes me a second to remember where I am - Elle's bedroom. Without moving, I take stock of my surroundings. Elle is pressed against my side, her head on my chest and a hand resting on my stomach, which makes me grin. Waking up naked with her is to be recommended.

Very slowly, I turn my head towards her bedside table, looking at the clock. 7:04am. Too early to be awake, considering how little sleep we've had. Closing my eyes, I let my thoughts drift back to last night...


Elle unlocks the front door and heads inside, while I follow close behind her. As she flips on the light switch in the kitchen, I see her shoulders tense.

"Hey," I pull on her arm, turning her towards me. Her eyes don't meet mine, instead she's focussed straight ahead, her gaze level with my chest. Wrapping my arms around her in a hug, I rest my cheek against the top of her head.

"Do you want me to go?"

"What?" Elle pulls back, looking up at me, "No, of course not."

"Okay," I smile, leaning down to kiss her, keeping it short and sweet.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask quietly.

"No," Elle shakes her head, but doesn't elaborate. A sure sign she's nervous. My guess is she's been overthinking during the car ride home.

"Okay." This time when I kiss Elle, it starts out sweet, but it doesn't stay that way for long. I back her up against the cabinets, my lips never leaving hers as I lift her up to sit on the bench. Height disadvantage all but gone, Elle wraps her legs around my waist, her hands threading into my hair. Christ.

When this kiss ends, I lean my forehead against hers.

"Sooo... what do you want, Elle?"

An impish smile breaks across her face.


Oh yeah, the ice cream.

I grin at her before pulling away, and she lets me go reluctantly. Turning around, I check the freezer, digging out both the strawberry swirl and the choc-vanilla and placing them both on the counter next to Elle. Then I open the drawer, finding two spoons and sliding them into my back pocket.

"Where to?"

"Upstairs," Elle grins, her earlier nerves seemingly quiet now. "My room."

"Alright," I smirk, moving back to her so she can wrap her legs around me again. "You carry the ice cream, I'll carry you."

I pull Elle against me while she crosses her arms behind my neck, a pint of ice cream in each hand. Upstairs, I close her bedroom door behind us then kiss her quickly before setting her down. Then I take the the ice cream from her, placing it on the nightstand, and turn the photo of Elle and Lee that's sitting there facedown. He's not invited to this particular sleepover.

The look Elle's giving me when I turn back around could best be described as predatory. She takes a small step forward, closing the distance between us, her hands finding the hem of my shirt and sliding up underneath it.

"Jesus!" I startle, pulling back. "Your hands are freezing!"

"Don't be such a baby!" Elle laughs.

I raise an eyebrow at her. "So first you call me dummy, and now you're calling me a baby?"

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