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A/N: Okay, so before we even start this one, let me say I realize exactly how ridiculous Noah's college dorm room is in the movie. But come on, this is a work of fiction, and it makes for much better visuals, so I'm sticking with it. Let's all live a little (vicariously) and imagine that Noah's ensconced in one of those leather chairs with a crackling fire in the background, shall we?

Moving into my dorm doesn't take long, even with the extra suitcase full of towels and bedding and other useful things Mom made me bring. Thankfully, I'm in a single room like the one I saw during the campus tour with Dad, with my own bathroom, just sharing a common living area with three other guys. Steve and I have our rooms on one side of the living room, Blaine and Eli on the other side. My back is thankful that I have a decent-sized bed, because I can't imagine what trying to contort myself onto a twin bed every night would have been like. I haven't slept in one of those since middle school.

I've enrolled in all my courses for this term and they're kind of scattered across the board of arts and sciences. My academic advisor recommended going broad with my subject selection this year to give me a better chance of finding an area of specialization next year, or to set myself up for law if that's what I decide to do, since apparently a wide range of study is preferred for that. I mean, it's going to be interesting, but there's definitely some subjects I'm not familiar with at all - like Latin Literature, for example. But, that's kind of the point, right?

Football training is intense, but at least it gives me something to do every day in the lead up to classes starting. I'm definitely glad I pushed myself to keep my fitness up over summer, though. I caught up with the guy I met during orientation, Boyle, and we've been to a couple of parties together. He seems to be that guy who always knows where and when a party is happening and always scores an invite. The Tuppen-clone, Hunter, seems to be staying out of my way for the moment, which is just fine with me. And, I've managed to avoid any run-ins with anyone else... just.

Things with Elle are okay, I suppose. It's kind of hard sometimes with the time difference to catch each other at night, and I'm usually at practice by the time she's awake in the morning. I know she's been back at the beach house with Lee, which is good. I just hope he isn't ignoring her completely when Rachel's around. When I do manage to catch her on the phone, she sounds kind of distracted and busy, which I guess is a good thing.

Trying my luck again, I FaceTime Elle, unable to stop my grin when she appears on my screen, and I notice she's sitting in my room at the beach house.

"Hey you," she smiles.

"Hey yourself."

"What've you been up to today?"

"Just the usual. Training, trying to find my way around campus. So, what have you guys been doing at the beach house?"

"Um, I don't know, the usual. Beach, pool, etc. Oh! I nearly got taken out by a frisbee today," Elle laughs.

"What do you mean?" I chuckle. "You never play frisbee."

"No, I wasn't playing, I was watching. Some guys were playing ultimate frisbee down the beach, so we hung out and watched for a bit. It was pretty cool, until I had to duck or risk being decapitated."

"Elle," I shake my head at her through the screen. "You are the only person I know who's clumsy enough to get injured just watching other people play games."

"Hey! It wasn't my fault! The guy was way off course with his throw."

"Sure, sure," I grin. "So what else is going on?"

"Umm," Elle taps her chin in thought. "Well, I gave in and started working on my college admissions essay."

"Oh yeah? What topic do you have?"

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