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A/N: Just a friendly reminder - skip between the *** to skip the mature content. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy some happy Elle and Noah in this one. Please let me know if you like it by voting and/or dropping a comment, every single one makes my day.

The exam period has absolutely wrecked me. I haven't shaved since Saturday. I can't remember the last time I ate a full meal, or slept longer than maybe three or four hours at a stretch. At Chloe's insistence, I set reminders and alarms for everything at the start of last week, which in hindsight was excellent advice because I began to lose track of the days.

I feel like a shell of my former self as I board the plane home, and I'm pretty sure I look worse. The only thing sustaining me is the thought of seeing Elle at the end of this flight. She's like the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel, even if right now I feel like I've already been run over by the train. I swear I fall asleep the moment the fasten seat belt sign is turned off, and only the flight attendant's gentle but firm nudging wakes me in time to put my seat up in preparation for landing.

The moment I get off the plane, I make a beeline straight for the men's room and splash some water on my face to wake myself up properly and pop a couple of mints. I mean, I showered and brushed my teeth before I left campus to get to the airport, but that was 7 hours and two coffees ago. Running my fingers through my hair, I head towards baggage claim, scanning the faces of those waiting below as I ride the escalator down the the arrivals hall. But none of the faces are familiar. Elle's not among them.

My heart sinks. Maybe she couldn't make it to pick me up after all. Maybe something came up. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I check for messages to explain her absence, but there's nothing. Absently, I fire a quick one off to Chloe, letting her know I arrived safely, just like she asked me to, then stare a my phone for a second, wondering if I should just call Elle. I look up just in time to see my suitcase heading towards me on the baggage carousel, and stuff my phone back in my pocket so I can grab it.

Turning, I nearly bump into someone, but instead of moving away, the person wraps their arms around my waist. Elle's face is looking up at me, cheeks flushed, and that's when I realize she's puffing, out of breath.

"Sorry I'm late," she grins. "Holiday traffic is brutal."

Smirking, I wrap my free arm around her. "You know, for a minute there, I thought you'd forgot about me.

She shakes her head, still puffing. "You're crazy if you think I could ever forget about you."

"I'm crazy about you, Elle."

She giggles at the line. "Still sounds so great when you say it."

"It's still true. More than ever, actually."

Elle's expression softens, and that's when I bend to kiss her, finally. Her lips are soft, her mouth warm. She tastes sweet, like cinnamon and ginger... like Christmas cookies.

"Please tell me you haven't been baking," I joke when we part.

"Not me," she laughs. "I'm just the taste tester."

"So then your house is still standing?"

"Uh huh," she nods.

"And it's empty?"


"And we're still standing here because?"

Elle laughs again instead of answering, stepping back and grabbing a hold of my hand to drag me out of the airport. It's hard to keep my hands off her on the drive back to her place, but I manage to keep the groping to a minimum so we don't crash. My hand roving up Elle's thigh must've had some impact though, because as soon as she puts her car in park, she scrambles across into my lap. And I'm not about to complain.

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