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A/N: Okay, so I know I skipped out on giving you the goods last chapter, but you guys should know me better than that! I feel like everyone probably knows this by now, but here's a reminder just in case... skip between the *** to skip the mature content...

When I wake, it takes me a moment to process where I am and then I still, not wanting to disturb Elle. She's sprawled against me, along my side, head on my chest, her legs tangled with mine. Neither of us had bothered to put any clothes back on before finally falling asleep, because there didn't seem like much point after spending last night and some of this morning thoroughly enjoying each other's nakedness. What started out sweet and slow and wonderful had... evolved... into something pretty wild and incredible.

Elle made good on the promise she'd made back at the restaurant, that's for sure. As far as I'm concerned, she can use me like that anytime she wants. Smiling, I stare up at the ceiling remembering how she'd mumbled into my shoulder last night as we lay together, still in our post-sex haze.


"That was amazing," her lips curled in a smile against my skin.


"But it wasn't exactly what I'd planned."


"Uh-uh," she shook her head slightly.

I trailed my fingertips up her spine. "Do tell."

"Uh-uh," Elle shook her head again.


"I can't tell you, I have to show you."

"Fine by me," I grinned, putting my hands behind my head.

Elle moved then, giving me a warning glare before sliding under the covers. "Stay still, don't move."

A thrill of anticipation twitched through me.


I feel Elle's warm breath before her tongue glides along me, teasing. It's a struggle not to move when she closes her mouth around me, sucking, and my eyes drift closed with the feel of it. It's not long before I'm fully hard again, Elle working me with her mouth and her hand. But then she stops, my eyes opening as she crawls up over me, her head and chest appearing from under the sheet.

Her face is flushed and she looks so sexy, I start to move my hands to touch her.

"Nope! Don't even think about it."

"Okay, okay, fine," I chuckle, putting my hands back behind my head again.

Elle starts sliding along me, using me to stimulate herself. She looks so incredible, her head lolling back as the covers fall down around her. It's torture not being able to reach out and cup her breasts, or skim my hands down her back to her butt so I can pull her harder against me, or shift to be inside her. But this is Elle's show and damn if it isn't a good one.

Relaxing as much as possible, I watch her grind out her pleasure on me. Her eyelids flutter shut as she comes and it's the hottest thing I've ever seen. She's so in control and yet out of control at the same time. I can't help the groan that escapes my throat as she stills, looking me in the eye.

"What?" she pants, smiling.

"You're so fucking sexy, and I think you're really overestimating my self-control right now."

"Oh yeah?"

"Uh huh," I nod, biting my lip.

"What would you do? If I let you?"

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