Thuds (Movie)

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Friday, Chloe and I do all the touristy things, because she's never really spent any time in LA and I desperately need the distraction. Being out of the house means no chance of any run-ins with Elle, too, not that I think she'd likely come over anyway, but better to be safe than sorry. I still don't know if I want to try and fix things between us, everything just feels so raw, the edges jagged. They say time heals all wounds, and while I'm not sure I believe it, I'm more than willing to try if it might help close this one.

Against my better judgement, I take Chloe to the Homecoming football game at Country Day. She's super excited to see where I went to school and played last year, and the whole Homecoming experience is something she's only seen in the movies, so there's no way I'd deprive her of that. We get there early and sit up high in the grandstand so she can see the entire spectacle, cheerleaders and mascots from each team pumping up the crowd, the whole bit.

It's easy to spot Elle and Lee when they arrive together, taking seats down in the front, and I can't help glancing at her from time to time once the game starts. There's one time when Elle looks back over her shoulder at me, catching me staring, and I mentally kick myself for being so obvious about it. She says a few words to Lee, looking sad, and I feel a pang of hurt. But then, I'm sad too. I'm just trying to do a better job of hiding it and not dragging Chloe down, ruining her whole visit with all the drama. She's been such a good friend to me, it's past time I returned the favor, I think.

At halftime, Vivian takes to the small stage they've got set up to do the Homecoming Court announcements... I don't think anyone's as shocked as Lee is that it's his name called out for Homecoming King. I watch him turn to Elle, clearly reading him say "what?" before she starts cheering like mad, tossing her bucket of popcorn everywhere. Even though I feel like crap, it's still kind of hard not to laugh, or at least smile, at the two of them as they carry on, reminding me of so many happier times over the years. They've always been so over the top - jumping up and hugging each other, screaming. 

Eventually, Elle pushes him to go down to the stage, and I clap as he gets crowned. Well done, little bro. I'm proud of him, especially since he beat Tuppen. That jerk doesn't need another ego boost, but I note with some satisfaction that he's still giving me a wide berth. Country Day win the game convincingly and afterwards I take Chloe down onto the track that runs around the field where everyone's clapping the teams off the field, showing her around the place I spent so much of my time in high school.

Everything's going fine, until that jerk Marco yells out to me.

"Tell your brother congratulations."

Slowly my walk to a stop, I turn towards him stiffly, pausing to take in the smug look on his face before responding.

"What did you say?"

"I said congratulations," he repeats, stepping closer to Chloe and I now.

Shoving my hands in my pockets, I don't say anything else. I don't owe this asshole anything. Chloe crosses her arms, looking on.

"Is there a problem?" Marco stirs.

Is he fucking kidding me? Enough of this passive shit. I close the remaining distance between us so I can look down at his stupid face. And so he has to look up at me. Yeah, it might be childish, but I kinda feel like embracing my juvenile self right now.

"You have no business talking to me."

"Wow. Someone says congratulations, and you're ready to fight him. You do have a problem."

Is that what Elle told him? That I have a problem?

"No, the only problem I have right now is you." 

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