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My flight back to Boston is almost a mirror image of the one I took home at the beginning of the break. I sleep pretty much from the moment the seatbelt sign is switched off, to the moment it goes back on when the pilot announces we will shortly be starting our descent into Logan airport. I'm tired, a little sleep-deprived for sure, but not in the bone-numbing way I was after the exam block. No, I think with a smirk, this time I'm just tired from a last night well-spent with my girlfriend.

I hadn't been joking when I told Elle that I had no intention to spend much of last night sleeping, and I made good on that promise. Never one to back down from a challenge, Elle was right there with me, even waking me up in the early hours of this morning with her mouth... yeah, I should probably stop thinking about that now. I need to be able to walk through the crowded airport to collect my luggage, preferably without embarrassing myself.

Suitcase in hand, I head for the T, glad the ride back to Cambridge isn't all that long. Today's been tiring in its own way, having to say goodbye to my family and Elle again. It's the worst part about going home to visit - having to leave them all over again every time. It doesn't get easier. Mom cries, Elle cries, and I feel fucking awful for having to walk away.

There's some solace I can take from the fact that Elle and I are in a really good place right now, we're more certain of each other, about our relationship. Other than that Marco-shaped blip on New Year's Eve, we had the best time together over the holidays. Whether we were just hanging out together at one of our houses, or out doing something fun, like the day we spent at Disney, or the game we went to, it felt good just to be with her. Elle makes me feel calm like nobody else can.

The way she settles that little bit of anxiety in me is hard to really put into words. It's like I just can't find it in me to worry about all the small stuff that normally swirls around in my head, because there's an overwhelming amount of good right there in front of me. Elle carries this light that seems to chase away all the little shadows, back to the forgotten corners of my mind.

I roll my eyes at myself and shake my head. Clearly all those readings I had to do for lit class last term wormed their way inside my brain and stuck. I need to stop waxing poetic about my amazing girlfriend and just call her already, let her know I got here safely. It takes all of five seconds for Elle to answer, and the happiness I hear in her voice makes me smile.

"Hey, you."

"Hey, yourself."

"You back in your dorm yet?"

"Not quite. Just changed over to the Harvard line, though, so not long to go now."

"Good," Elle yawns. "I kind of hate you for the time difference right now, you know?"

"Oh, yeah?" I grin. "Why's that?"

"Because by the time you get to your dorm and have a shower and stuff, it'll almost be an acceptable time to go to bed, whereas I'm stuck having to pretend like I'm not a zombie for hours yet."

"Can't you just hide out in your room until dinner?"

"Ugh, I wish," she groans. "Dad is guilting me into spending time with him and Brad this afternoon since I've been so absent the last few days. I managed to sneak away up here to take your call, but I'll have to go back downstairs again when we hang up."

"Well, Shelly, I could say I'm sorry for monopolizing all your time, but it'd be a lie. Because I'm not, not even a little bit."

"Me neither," Elle breathes, and suddenly my mind fills up with images of her last night, all breathy, skin glowing in the lamplight.

Jesus. I need to tamp down that particular train of thought until I'm having that shower she spoke about earlier. Clearing my throat, I nod, trying to convince myself that I'm good.

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