Hurts (Movie)

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Over the next few weeks, things get a little better between Elle and I, but not much. Our conversations are a bit more frequent, mostly filled with talk of Thanksgiving and all the preparations at home, places we're going to go when I visit. But when we aren't talking about those things, the vibe is still awkward and kind of off. I still haven't told Elle about what's been going on at school, even though Chloe's been bugging me to. It's not something I want to get into over the phone.

Exams have been hell, but it's the Tuesday before the holiday weekend and I'm finally done. Chloe and Aiden still have one exam to sit tomorrow, so we're all putting off our celebrations until tomorrow evening. Tonight, I grabbed some dinner with my roommates, and am now stretched out on my bed, ready to call Elle. The phone rings twice before the call connects.



There's a big pause where Elle doesn't say anything.

"Is everything okay?"

Another beat passes before she responds.

"Yeah, um, just tired. We've been rehearsing."

"Okay, well, I just wanted to wish you luck for your competition tomorrow."

"You remembered." The surprise in her voice is obvious. Did she really think I'd forget?

"Yeah, of course I remembered. I wish I could be there. Elle, I know that, um-- that you and I have some things that we need to talk about, but I'd rather do it face-to-face. So I'm gonna be home the day after tomorrow for Thanksgiving, and I guess we can talk about it all then. Okay?"

I hear Elle sigh, and there's another pause before she answers quietly. "Okay."

"Hey, you're gonna do great tomorrow, I know you will."


"I love you, and I can't wait to see you."

"Yeah, I love you, too."

"Sweet dreams, Elle."


The line goes dead and I stare at my phone. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything just now about us needing to talk. She was tired and probably nervous about the competition. I should've just kept my mouth shut. I did mean what I said about wishing I could be there to watch her. Back when I'd booked my ticket home, I hadn't known when my last exam was going to be, so I'd opted to book on the last day possible, flying back on Thanksgiving morning, using the time difference to my advantage.

Now I have a whole day tomorrow of just hanging around, waiting to go home the following morning. But what if I didn't wait around? What if I flew back tomorrow morning instead? The idea starts to grow in my mind, and I get off my bed, opening up my laptop and navigating to the airline website. There's availability on a flight tomorrow morning, basically the same as the one I'm already booked on, just a day earlier.

Should I change my ticket? I had promised Chloe and the guys that we would hang out tomorrow night to celebrate making it through the term, but surely they'll understand. I feel a little guilty, though, and before I even really think about it, I'm scrolling to Chloe's number in my phone and pressing call.

"Hey, you," her voice is tired-sounding but still upbeat.

"Hey. How's the exam prep coming along?"

"Yeah, fine. I'm not sure how much more I can go over this stuff. If I don't know it by now, I probably never will."

"I'm sure you'll ace it, Clo. You've been on top of it all so far."

"Thanks. So, what's up?"

"Um... I know I promised I'd go out with everyone tomorrow night after you and Aiden finish your last exams, but... If I change my flight to the morning I can make it back for Elle's dance competition, so..."

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