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A/N: A fair bit of original story in this one, guided by the movie but expanding on it because I needed more. As always, let me know what you think!

Standing under the shower, I can't help but smile. Last night definitely hadn't turned out the way I'd thought it would. Not even in my wildest dreams did I think I'd end up having sex with Elle at the Hollywood sign. A chuckle escapes my lips as I remember how bossy she was. Trust her, with zero experience, to still be demanding.

Of course those memories lead to thoughts of what happened last night and what might happen in the future and before I know it, the blood has drained from my brain. Thinking about being with Elle is better than any porn I've ever seen, but the relief I provide myself doesn't come close to matching the experience with her last night.

Showered and clothed, I sit at my desk and attempt to cram in some homework before we have to go to lunch. But thinking about our weekly lunch with the Evanses makes me think about Elle again... lunch is definitely going to be interesting. Picking up my phone, I toy with the idea of texting her. I stare at the screen, thumbs hovering over the keyboard, wondering what I could type. Everything that comes to mind is too much or too little.

In the end I send a single sunrise emoji.

I don't have to wait long for a response.

Elle: 😊

As long as Elle's smiling, I'm happy.

"What are you grinning about?" Lee's voice invades my thoughts from where he's leaning against my doorframe.

"None of your business," I scowl. "You look like shit."

"Thanks," he says dryly. "I feel like shit. Letting Tuppen convince me to do another keg stand was a bad idea."

"Obviously. Thought you were hanging out with Rachel last night?"

"Yeah I was, but she had curfew so after she left, some of us kept drinking...I crashed at Warren's."

I grunt, thinking about that idiot putting his hands on Elle.

"He's nursing some sore ribs this morning, brother."

"He's lucky that's all he's nursing, Lee."

"How was Elle?"

I fight to not change my expression. "What do you mean?"

"How did she like your caveman routine this time?"

"You mean how did she react to my saving her from some creep trying to drag her into a hot tub against her will? About the same as usual. Not happy, stormed off."

It wasn't a lie, that did happen.

"Uh huh. I'm sure that won't make lunch awkward at all," Lee quipped.

Time for a distraction. I don't want to talk to Lee about why things may or may not be awkward between Elle and I.

"Speaking of lunch, you might want to shower and change. You smell like a brewery."

"That's the plan. See you later."

Lee disappears and I relax, thankful that no lies were required. I've never been big on telling everyone (or anyone) everything, but lying isn't really my style. Omissions of details I can live with, for now.

The Evanses are already seated when we arrive, and I've never been more glad to take my usual seat, directly across the table from Elle.

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