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A/N: You know what these *** mean. Skip between them to skip the more mature content. Or not. The choice is yours.

Our last week at the beach house is all about making the most of the time we have together. As much as I'd be pretty happy to just spent all day at the beach and all night in bed, I do want to make sure we don't miss out on doing a few key things. Elle lets me drag her along while I tick off items on the checklist in my head of everything I want to do one last time before we leave the beach house and I go to Boston. Okay, so maybe 'drag' isn't the right word, it's not like Shelly needs a lot of convincing to stroll down memory lane with me.

One last coke at the tiki bar down the beach, free of any drama. Just Elle and I, talking quietly and laughing when I take the paper umbrella from my drink and tuck it behind her ear.

One last ride south on the bike to our favorite dinner spot, a crab shack right on the beach, where we sit with our toes in the sand.

One last ride on the Ferris wheel, Elle snuggling in against me when the cool breeze hits us as we near the top.

One last night-time walk along the beach together, her hand in mine. There's no rain to spoil it this time, just pale moonlight and the sound of waves breaking softly on the sand. In truth, we spend a lot less time walking than we do kissing, but that's more than okay with me.

One last try at surfing. I manage not to be terrible at it, but Elle, well... doesn't, much to her disgust and my amusement.

One last dinner we cook together. It's a slightly confused mix of all the food left in the fridge, but it's edible and we have a good time making it. Elle likes to bump me out of the way with her hip and I like to tickle her when she's trying to concentrate. I'm sure it takes us far longer to cook than it should, but I can't say it isn't fun.

One last movie night together, this time with Elle being my pillow, her fingers running absentmindedly through my hair.

And then there's the other list - the not so PG-13 list. Some of which is definitely my idea, and the rest that is purely Elle's doing.

Like a few days before we have to leave, when she surprises me in the shower again after my morning run. I'm rinsing the shampoo out of my hair, eyes firmly shut, when I hear the shower curtain being pulled back. Suds safely gone, I open my eyes, taking in the sight of a naked Elle now only inches away from me, a look on her face that means trouble, but the fun kind.

"Morning," I grin.

"Hi," she says, her eyes travelling over my body.

Holding out the bottle of conditioner, I smirk, "So, did you decide I needed your help?"

"Mmm, yes," Elle smiles, taking the bottle from me. "Turn around."

I do ask I'm told, tipping my head back a little. Elle's fingers are soon working the conditioner through my hair, and I silently congratulate myself for not cutting it off, after all. One, because the feeling of her massaging my scalp is awesome. But then there's the second, incidental, benefit of having Elle's body rubbing against my back as she stretches up to reach my head. I can't say it isn't turning me on a little, as if I needed anything more than my naked girlfriend in the shower with me to do that.

Her hands slip down to my shoulders, turning me around. "Okay, rinse."

Leaning back under the spray, I wash out the conditioner, feeling Elle's hands slowly run down my sides. But they don't settle on my waist, like I was anticipating. Instead, they keep wandering lower. I decide to keep my eyes closed under the shower and see where this is heading before I react.

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