Chapter Twenty Six

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When we got there Sophie was immediately dragged off by Biana, which left me with the boys. Della had gone to make dinner after giving me a hug and Alden was in his office.

Now I would have stayed to talk to the boys more to get to know them more, but I was tired and just wanted to be alone for a bit.

I snuck away from them when they started talking about school and stuff. I made my way to the living room and noticed it was empty so I went to the couch and just laid down. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice when the other kids came in and sat down.

I was just thinking back to what Elwin had told me earlier and all of that when someone smacked the back of my head really hard. I looked over to be met with Blondie just smiling at me like he did something great. Before anyone can even scold him for that, I had already had him hanging in the air upside down.

"What the! Hey! Put me down!" Was all I could hear him say with all the yelling from the other kids. Getting really pissed off I just dropped him without warning making him land on his back really hard. I would have dropped him on his head but then Sophie would have yelled at me.

They were all about to scold me when I just looked at them all with so much anger that they just left it alone. Unfortunately Ritz was right next to me and I was still not in a very good mood. So I punched him. Hard. I'm ninety percent sure I heard his rib snap but whatever.

"What was that for!? Why did you hit me??!" He said looking over from the floor, since I ended up knocking him off his seat.

Before anyone could even say anything else we were called for dinner. Walking into the dining room we all gathered around the table and sat down. Della and Alden at the head of the table, with Biana next to her mother with Ritz next to her. I was on the other side next to Sophie who had Blondie on her other side next to Alden. There was another spot to my right that was all set but no one was there yet. Must be their other kid. What was his name again? Alex? Ashton? Alvar? I don't remember.

They were all talking about who knows, I was too distracted with the fidget Sophie handed me earlier, when another guy joined us. He had the same eyes as Della and dark brown hair like his father.

He sat right by me and started talking to everyone. I was still too distracted by the toy to pay them any mind. That is until Sophie takes it from my hands and points to the food on my plate. Seeing it I looked at it really confused because I know I didn't dish this for myself, I wasn't even looking at the food this whole time. I looked at Sophie then to the guy next to me.

Seeing my look he turns to me and lifts his eyebrow. I motioned to the food and then back at him and he just smiled.

"Sorry, I noticed you were distracted with the toy and hadn't gotten anything to eat yet so I grabbed you some. I hope that was alright?" He signed, explaining the situation.

I just stared at him with so many emotions in my eyes he looked scared for my health.

"Thank you! How do you know sign? I thought elves didn't have any mutes before?" I signed back small tears falling down my face.

"Well actually it was my dads idea to learn so we could all communicate with you better.. Sorry I only know so much.." This time it was Biana who responded to me. I just looked at them all wide eyed.

It was silent for a minute as I was just in shock and they didn't know how to explain it. Out of nowhere I smiled with tears flowing freely down my face and signed thank you to them all.

We all go back to our food and after a bit I tap the boy's shoulder. He looked over and I signed thank you again. He smiled before signing back.

"It's no problem! My name's Alvar by the way. You're Akari right?" He looked really focused as we signed back to me. I just smiled and nodded. I then decided that it was time.

"...H..Hi...." I said after a few failed attempts. It was barely over a whisper.

It went dead silent after I spoke, the only sound was the utensils falling back to the table. Everyone was looking at me, eyes wide open and frozen.

"Did.. Did you just talk..?" Sophie was the first to break the silence with a whisper. I just nodded softly looking at the ground like I was trying to hide away from being scolded.

It was quiet again before everyone started to scream and cheer. Sophie was standing so fast that it was scary, and held me in her arms as tears were falling down her face. They all started asking when I started talking and why I didn't say anything to anyone about being able to talk. I didn't feel up to explaining so I just sent them all the memories of Elwin earlier today telling me that I could talk.

They all started celebrating after and saying how cute my voice was. At least Della and Sophie were. The others were just trying to get me to talk again. All except for Alvar, he still looked like he was in shock. He then smiled at me brightly and hugged me from the side.

"Well, it looks like we have ourselves a new little baby!" He says jokingly. Everyone laughs at that, even me and we continue with our dinner.

After dinner, Sophie and I said our goodbyes. Well I tried, didn't really get it out but they just said to keep practicing. Sophie then took out her home crystal and grabbed my hand whisking us away and back home.

When we got there we found Edaline and Grady in the kitchen talking. We walked over with big smiles on our faces and so many emotions in our eyes. Seeing our look, they both looked worried.

"Are you girls ok? Were you crying?" Grady asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Yup! We're better than ever, right Akari?" Sophie responded looking back at me at the end. I just nodded and smiled softly at them. Sophie nudged me and motioned to them while sending me a pointed look.

".....w...we..'re....o....ok..." I finally was able to say after a few minutes of struggle.

Both adults freeze when they hear me. Then they both are up and hugging me and Sophie so tight that I think we might just die.

We were all crying and smiling so brightly at one another for a good while. Grady and Edaline finally let us go and sent us off to bed after congratulating me again.

That went a lot better than I could have ever hoped for.. I can talk..

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