Chapter Eight

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Fintan's POV:

I was just about to eat some mellow melt that I had made when there was a knock at my door. Now that's really weird no one ever comes over. Who would want to see me? The last time someone came over without me asking them to come was "him"? I get up and walk over to the door, opening it up to see a few emissaries and two of the current council members.

"And what did I do to have the council at my door?" I said sarcastically. We haven't really been on the best of terms sense the incident. "We need your help. There has been an ancient at the Vacker's house and you are our last option." Was all they had to say for me to close my door and walk away. And I would have if they didn't smell of smoke and burning flesh.

"And what was this accident? Did one of their kids burn a batch of cookies?" I was starting to get agitated. "No, it was one of the girls we found in the forbidden cities." They said urgently. Now that had my attention. One of the girls? There's two? I thought there was only one? What were they thinking putting children there? "And why do you need my help?" I aked more curious than anything. "Because the girl went up in flames." I didn't even give them a chance to finish before I grabbed them and flashed outside of the house. You could see the smoke coming from the house, and not only that but it was really hot even this far from the house. Again before they could say anything I was running full speed to the house.

Sophie's POV:

I don't know why but I have had this feeling since we left Fitz's house that something is going to happen. We had just gotten into the charge thing when I got this sinking feeling in my gut that something is wrong. Something is really wrong. And I just hope that, whatever it is, Akari is safe and unharmed.

Fintan's POV:

The closer I got to the house the hotter it got. This is not good. I haven't felt this much heat since the everblaze incident.

When I finally got to the house I ran in and found the rest of the little party trying to get the fire under control. But not even the water was helping. They were about to throw a bucket of water on the girl but stopped when I yelled at them to stop. "You all need to get away from her! This is no normal fire! The more water and wind you add will only make it stronger!" I could tell that not everyone believed me but they stepped back anyway.

I slowly walked closer to the girl. And the closer I got the more I noticed the damage it was doing to the child. When I was finally close enough to touch the flame I activated my ability and tried to pull in the fire. But it was weird it was like both of our flames were connected. After what felt like forever I was able to extinguish the fire. But not without a burn or two.

As the flame died down I was able to get the girl. She was shaking and burning up really bad.

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