Chapter One

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"Miss Foster!" Mr. Sweeney, our teacher yelled at my sister. He just continued to yell at her and call her a "know it all" after she finished answering his question. Seeing how this made Sophie shrink back, I went over and grabbed her hand.

As the rest of the class moved onto the next room, our bully, who I never can remember his name, came up to us. I couldn't hear what he said due to having my earbuds in. But whatever it was made Sophie shrink back even more.

I was about to follow the class when I noticed Sophie looking at someone. I didn't recognize them so they were not in our class, but they were holding the morning paper. That just so happened to have my sister on the front page.

He looked up seeing us and walked over. He started talking but again I couldn't hear what he said. Seeing as they were talking I started looking around the museum room we were in. Just trying to find something interesting. Sadly, I couldn't find anything though, so I just closed my eyes and listened to my music.

The next thing I know is Sophie is dragging me out of the Museum and running full speed down the road. I have no idea what happened but I started running too.

But I forgot to look both ways when we got to the crosswalk. And I don't think I was the only one. Because both me and Sophie look over to be met with the headlights of a truck.

The car misses us by a smidge and ends up hitting a street light. Tariffed I crouch down covering my ears and wait for the inevitable. A breeze that shouldn't be here comes from seemingly nowhere.

Nothing happens. I look up to see that the wind had moved the light away from me. Looking over I see Sophie on top of the boy from the museum. I wonder how they got there.

They look at me and quickly get up and run over grabbing my hand and going down the street again. If I get dragged one more time, I'm going to kill something. We end up at the zoo.

They again started to talk and after a minute they both look at me. I just tilt my head. Sophie, seeing this, remembers that I have my earbuds in and walks over to me and starts signing to hold Fitz's hand. I do, though very hesitant. Suddenly I feel like I'm being pulled in every direction.

I open my eyes not realizing when I closed them and saw the best view in the world. I let his hand go and walked over to the edge of the river. There were the prettiest trees being every color all along the river and all around them.

As I was in the middle of admiring the view I got grabbed from behind and felt the pull again. Next thing I know I'm being forced behind a rock, as these really built gray creatures walk out of what looks like a castle.

Sophie and Ritz or whatever his name was continue to talk. It looks like Sophie is about to start crying so I grab her hand again. After a bit I pull on Sophie's sleeve and motion to go back. She catches on and we are then whisked back home.

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