Chapter Twenty Five

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"Gah! Akari! You scared me!" What the first thing Sophie said to me when she felt me hug her. I could till she was about to slap me when she saw who it was and put her hand down, only to yell at me instead.

I just smiled at her with a big goofy smile. I could hear her sigh and shake her head before she spoke again.

"Come on and sit down you crazy girl. Also how did your check up go? Anything we need to keep an eye on?" She asked, completely ignoring the questioning looks she was getting from everyone at the table except for Dex. He just smiled at me when he saw me coming.

Not wanting to annoy her anymore then she already was, I pushed the blonde kid who was sitting next too her off the chair and onto the floor, and sat next to her while holding her hand in mine.

"What the heck lady! There is now way you just pushed the Keefster and took his seat!" The blond kid said. However I just ignored him and started to sign to Sophie telling her that it went really well. And how he said my cells looked healthier then he was expecting. After I had signed that she visibly relaxed and had the biggest smile on her face.

"I'm really glad to hear that! Whatever you're doing, keep it up! Did you get lost on your way over here?" I giggled at what she said and out of the corner of my eye I saw Dex stop what he was doing and freeze.

"Well I did at first but then the girl from the store who I gave the wig to helped me find my way over."

Sophie was shocked to see that Stina had helped me.

"Really? Stina helped you find us?" She looked really skeptical when she said this. And as soon as that left her mouth every person at the table was looking at us again. I just nodded with a smile.

"Huh. Well I can't blame her, you are the definition of an angel." I just smiled at her again.

"Yeah right. More like a demon." The blond kid muttered under his breath. But we all heard him.

"Oh stop being a drama queen Keefe. All she did was move you over so she could sit by me." Sophie said looking so done with him. Dex laughed at this and smiled at Sophie and I.

"That was not a small move Foster! She full on pushed me!"

"Oh shut up." Sophie was starting to get a headache I could tell by the look in her eyes.

While they were arguing which soon led to the whole table joining in, I grabbed my bag again but this time I got out some advil for my sister. Tapping her shoulder to get her attention I grabbed her hand when she looked over at me and handed medicine to her. Which made her smile softly at me and say a soft thank you.

I just nodded then motioned to the group with a confused look in my eyes. Sophie, seeing this, started to tell me all their names and point at them when she said them so I could match names to faces. Hearing their names they all looked over.

"So are you finally going to tell us who this is or are you going to continue ignoring us?" A really pretty brunette with teal eyes said. Sophie said her name was Biana and that she was Fitz's sister. Looking at her I remembered her from when we first came here but I don't think she remembers me.

I smiled and waved at them all. I then decided to do something crazy and I transmitted my name to all of them. It wasn't a voice saying it, more of a memory of me writing my name down to introduce myself. I even sent it to Sophie who looked at me with wide eyes.

I thought you didn't want people knowing about your telepathy yet? Why the sudden change? She transmitted back.

I just smiled and shrugged at her. It was quiet for a moment then it was just chaos.

"You're a telepath!" They all yelled at me with shock evident on their faces. I just nodded and then grabbed my notebook out.

We found out when we first came to the lost cities. We decided to keep it between us but I was tired of writing my name all the time. My hands are getting tired of the constant writing to communicate with others. But hi my name is Akari Foster and I'm the younger twin to Sophie Foster.

Once I was down writing I turned the book around and showed the whole group what was on it. They all froze wide eyed at the twin part, all but Dex who reached over and rubbed my back to make me feel better. I just smiled at him as a thank you.

"Twins!! Since when did you have a twin Foster!?! And why didn't you tell any of us!?" Blondie said. I know his name is Keefe now but just like Ritz I prefer Blondie.

"This is why I didn't tell you, Keefe. You make a big deal out of literally everything. Also both Fitz and Dex knew about this. You could have asked literally any of us if I had a sibling." Sophie responded looking so ready to just hit him.

It took a bit but soon everyone was calmed down and went back to opening up their gifts. I was just playing with Sophie's pen that Ritz had given her when someone tapped my shoulder. I looked up to find Dex behind me holding a small rectangle white raped box. I tilted my head at him.

"Sophie had given this to me a while back and I didn't know when I would see you again, and was going to have her give it to you but seeing as you're here I thought I would just hand you it myself." He rambled and handed me the box. I smiled at him trying to help calm his nerves. I then opened the box after unwrapping it to find my phone. Oh my gosh! Yes!! I can finally listen to my music again!!

"I was able to make it solar powered as well as add a speaker in case you wanted to listen to your music without your headpho-" I cut him off before he could continue ranting.

I threw my arms around his middle and hugged him tight. I could feel his body tense. I soon let him go, he was still frozen in his spot. I then patted his head and smiled at him.

That seemed to bring him back because he looked back at me and smiled as well as patted my head back. Making us both bust out laughing.

Soon the adults came back and told the others they all passed, even Sophie. I watched as they all relaxed and started to celebrate. Sophie then went to get her last gift from Keefe, and then we said our goodbyes to Grady and Edaline and went home with the Vackers for dinner to celebrate the passing of the kids.

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