Chapter Twenty Two

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The next several weeks were the same, with me having lunch with the twins at school and them coming over on the weekends to Sophie going from our house to school and back. She has had Dex over a few times over the weekends as well. So he met the twins and they got along really well. I've been doing really well with my fire and we now only meet every other day. I even met his other student.

That was a fun time..

At first the guy was very skeptical about me but soon he got used to me being there. He even started to practice with me and said that my control was really good for my age. He said his name was Brant. Which is really close to that counselor guy's name. When I had told him that he laughed and said yea it was.

We have now been with the elves for about three months and Sophie has her midterms next week. She's not very excited about that but I have faith in her. After their tests they have this celebration thing at the school for the kids while the adults meet with the teachers.

I was originally supposed to stay home for that but Sophie had apparently asked Alden if I would be able to go so I could celebrate with them. Seeing as I don't have school this week as a break from our testing we just finished today, I was excited.

While Sophie would be at school I would be at home helping the gnomes with the animals or hanging out with Tam and Linh. I'd even gone to where they're staging a few times since we met officially a few weeks ago. And since then have been trying to find a new place for them so they can stay safe. They kept telling me that I didn't need to and that they were fine but I refused to listen. I don't care if the counsel banished them for some stupid accident that only happened because of their parents. I was still going to do whatever I could to help them.

It was now Wednesday and Sopie just got back from her midterms. I was out in the pastures with Verdi when she glittered into view.

I waved from where I was on Verdi's back and motioned for Sophie to come and join me. Reluctantly she came over and started petting Verdi.

"Hey Akari! How are You doing?" Sophie looked tired but she still had a smile on her face when she asked.

Hey! I'm good, just hanging out with Verdi. How are you doing??

"Tired. But I'll be fine now that the finals are over. Also when we get to the school tomorrow I was asked to bring you to Elwins office for your check up seeing as you haven't seen him since we got here."

Elwin? He's that doctor guy right?

"Yeah that's him."

Ok yea that works. Probably smart too seeing as we have been here for three months now.

"Ok well I'm gonna head in and shower and take a nap. I'm really tired after today so I'll see you later!"


Sophie and I had learned that it was easier now for both of us if she talked out loud and I responded in her head. That way I could learn to transmit and practice my telepathy and so she can work on hers too.

For some reason I was the only one who could get throw her blocking and vice versa. We found out that I had blocking when I had gone to get Sophie when she was at the Vackers a while ago. Fitz and her were talking about her blocking when I showed up and she asked him if he could read my mind. It didn't work.

Soon I went in to help Edaline cook dinner after I washed up. Over the last few weeks we had started to form a bond and grow a lot closer. It's not a mother daughter bond yet but it's getting there. I was a lot gloser with Edaline then I was with Grady. Which is kinda how it's always been. I had always been closer to our mom while Sophie was closer to our dad. It's just how it was.

Soon dinner was ready so I went and got Sophie who had been reading in our room after her nap she had. We then ate and talked about our days. As time went on we slowly started talking at dinner about our day to try to get closer. And it was working so we continued it.

Once we were done both Sophie and I went upstairs to get ready for bed and make sure we were ready for tomorrow. I was going to meet Sophie's friends and have my doctor visit that I probably should have had months ago but whatever.

I can't wait for tomorrow! I wonder if her friends will like me?

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