Chapter Twenty Four

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I was so shocked with what Elwin had said that I ended up freezing for a good five minutes. Elwin was scared that he said something wrong because I hadn't moved in a while and was staring at the same spot the entire time.

Finally coming back to reality I jumped up and hugged him with tears rushing down my face. But I had the biggest smile on my face that he knew I wasn't upset with the news but really happy.

We both ended up crying with so much happiness on our faces. After a few minutes we finally calmed down and pulled ourselves together.

"Heh, now that that's over, allow me to explain because I'm pretty sure you are still very confused on this whole matter." I just nodded to show him I was listening.

"So last time I helped you after the accident I noticed your vocal cords had been really damaged so I had written down an elixir I wanted Della to give you as soon as you woke up that should be able to help heal them a bit. It wasn't guaranteed that it would work, but looking at them now shows that it worked more than I originally thought it would."

I tilted my head again. What do you mean damaged? How so? And as if reading my mind Elwin started talking again.

"I don't know what had damaged your vocal cords but I could tell it must have been while you were still very little. My guess is that they got damaged and every time you tried to talk or make a sound it only made it worse."

That actually makes a lot of sense now that I think about it..

"You probably have noticed you can now make small sounds. I would say that if you were to try to talk right now you might be able to say part of the word. You could try if you would like. Or you could try on your own and surprise everyone else."

I smiled at him and decided to try to say thank you.


He smiled really wide when he heard me trying to talk. I smiled too. And tried again. It however didn't work which made me sad.

"That was really close! Like I said earlier it will take some time but with practice you'll get there in no time! Now I think you've been here long enough. Why don't you run off and meet up with your sister."

I smiled up at Elwin and hugged him again before running out the door and went to find Sophie.

I ended up getting lost and stumbling upon the girl from the store who I gave the wig to. It took me a second to recognize her but when I did I ran up to her and tapped her arm because she was really tall.

"What do you-... Oh my gosh you're the one who had all those wigs in her bag." She looked really surprised to see me. I smiled up at her and nodded my head. I then see this really pretty girl with her that had the clearest brown skin with the prettiest blue eyes I've seen. Her hair was in small braids then pulled into a big ponytail, there was even one strand that was dyed blue.

I waved at her and sent her a smile as well. I don't think she was expecting that because her eyes widened a bit after I did that. I then turned back to Stina and I think her name was if I remembered correctly.

"I haven't seen you in a while. Do you go here? Why aren't you in uniform? And when did you dye your hair? It looks really good."

I just continued to smile and then polled my notebook out of my bag and responded to her many questions.

I actually don't go here. I go to Exillium and so I don't have to wear the uniform. I actually dyed my hear a few weeks ago and fell in love with the way it looked so I kept it. Thank you! I also really like your blue hair!

I then turned the book around so both could read it and then sent a smile to the two girls. They both froze when they saw I said I go to Exillium and not Foxfire. After a minute or so they came back and finished the note and smiled when they got to the last sentence.

"So wait, you actually go to Exillium? Is it as bad as everyone says it is? Also thank you! I really like your hair too!" The girl to Stina's left said shocked at first then a smile at the end. I nodded to her first question then started writing again.

I don't know what other people are saying about it, but it's not that bad there. It's actually really relaxing when we aren't working temperature regulation. XD And thank you so much! My name is Akari, what is yours?

It took them a second to read the note but then smiled at me.

"Hi Akari! My name is Meruca and this is Stina! It's really nice to see you!" Meruca said smiling.

"So wait, why are you here if you don't go here? I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just curious." Stina said this time looking confused.

My sister talked to some people and made sure I could come so I could meet her friends and see the school. I also had a meeting with the school doctor since I hadn't seen him since I moved here.

They both nodded then looked confused again.

"Wait sister? Who is your sister?" They both asked together. Hearing them made me giggle.

My sister is Sophie Foster. I don't know if you know her but she's really kind! I think you guys would be really good friends! :)

They both froze and looked horrified by what I said. I just looked at them scared that I did something wrong and really confused. I think they noticed the fear in my eyes because they both looked back at me and their eyes softened and they both smiled sadly at me. I just tilted my head at their looks.

"We're not mad at you, don't worry. We were just shocked to hear your sisters with Sophie. We don't really get along very well and are more or less enemies." Stina said after a second or two.

I nodded and started writing again.

I'm sorry to hear that, I don't know why but it's none of my business to worry about so I'll leave it to you guys to handle. Sorry but I really should be getting back before they start to worry. Do you think you could point me in the direction of the auditorium? If not that's fine!

They both smiled at me again.

"Here why don't we just show you, we are actually on our way there too. So it's fine." Meruca said with a kind look in her eyes.

And soon we were there. They walked over to what I would guess was their friends and I looked for Sophie. Finally seeing her I ran over throwing my arms around her hugging her from behind.

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