Chapter Six

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Akari's POV:

As upset as I am that I won't be going to school with Sophie, I can't really focus on that. I'm starting to get really dizzy and I could feel the nausea coming. I don't know what it is but it's getting really really hot in here. I could barely hear Sophie and Ritz talking but even that was hard. I felt like I was being pulled from my body. It hurt.

They ended up deciding that I wasn't able to survive another leap and left me with Della who is Ritz's mom. She was really nice. I think she could tell I was really out of it, cause she came over and felt my head. And just like yesterday with my mom, she immediately pulled her hand back. "Oh dear! Come sit down! I'm gonna go call Elwin, you don't move. I'll be right back!" She exclaimed, sitting me down in a chair and running to go call this Elwin guy.

She comes back a few minutes later with a washcloth and a bucket of cold water. As she starts to dip the excess water out and dab the washcloth on my head, there is a knock on the door. "Come in!" Della says still focusing on me. In comes this really cool looking guy with a doctor coat on that had a lot of really funny animals on it. He was also wearing these really funny looking glasses. Seeing me he rushed over and started taking things from his bag out. "Hello, my name is Elwin. I'm the healer at Foxfire. Can you stay awake for me please. I can't have you falling asleep." As he is saying this he and Della are both covering my body in cold washcloths. Della had taken my hoodie off earlier in order to get to my arms. Luckily I had a tank top underneath. I would have answered but I just had no energy to do so. It was like my body was trying to shut down.

I could tell they were talking but I just couldn't hear what they were saying. It was all starting to go black. And no matter how hard I tried to stay awake nothing was working.

It was all getting too much. I was too sleepy. So I finally just had it and let the land of dreams take me.

If only I had been able to stay awake then maybe just maybe I could have seen the sparks of a flame I didn't even know was there.

And it all went up in flames.

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