Chapter Fourteen

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Waking up I find that it's still dark out. Why can't I just sleep!? Slowly I got up and walked over to the window only to find that it's like midnight. Dang. Looking down at the pasture I see the gnomes are still working with the animals and some are having trouble. I quickly go to the bathroom and change and brush my teeth. I then quietly ran down the stairs and out the door. Getting to the gnomes I sign and ask what I can help with. It takes them a second to reply but when they do they use sign. Yes they know sigh!! Dividing to celebrate later I went to help where they asked me two.

Several hours later and I'm still helping the gnomes. We found out that I can communicate with the animals and that they really like music. I had ran back to the house to get my phone at around three in the morning to see if music could help and it was a good thing I did. I ended up making several gnome friends while I was helping, one of them being Flori who was really excited to meet me. She was also the one to tell me more about plants when I was helping them plant somethings.

It wasn't until Gredy came to do his rounds for the day that they realized I was out here. At first he was really confused as to why I was out here and for how long. But soon he just came over and started to help us with the feedings. He ended up starting up a conversation with me and I was able to respond thanks to the help of the gnomes. Which I think we were both really happy about. We even were able to start to make a bond. It was nice. He also informed me that Edaline was making breakfast and that it should be done soon. So when we were done I waved bye to the gnomes after promising to help them again tonight and went inside with Gredy for food.

To say Edaline was surprised to see me would be an understatement. I think she was rethinking the entire morning trying to see when I went out. Good luck, I have been out there for seven or so hours. Wait, it's really been that long!? Dang I might need to start working on my sleep more.... Who am I kidding? I'll never have a normal sleep schedule. Zoning back into the present I find Sophie next to me eating and talking to Grady about something called 'Project Moonlark' whatever that is. Edaline then says something about doing to get our medicine? And wants both Sophie and I to go with her. Time with her? Yes! Maybe I can distract her for a bit and help with those eye bags.

After Sophie and I get changed into nicer clothes and I explain this morning to her along with showing her some of it, we go down to Edaline and are then whisked away to wherever we're going. It was a work class city or at least that was what Edaline told Sophie when she asked. I was looking around and mesmerizing the way we were going in case we ever had to come here again. Perks of having photographic memory. We then finally made it to a shop that was so colorful and crazy looking that it reminded me of Luna Lovegood. Man I love Luna, she's the best. When we walked in instead of a bell the door burped. Burped! Know that is something the twins would love!

As Sophie and Edaline walk to the balk to talk to the owner I start walking down the shelves. I didn't know what any of the bottles were, just the fact they were really colorful and that some sparkled. They looked pretty but I've never been too big on glitter.

I was just looking at one of the blue ones when the door was thrown open and two really tall and thin ladies came in. One looked like she could be my age and had a hood on, while the other was clearly the mother. The older one Vika as some guy wearing a lab coat said her name was, throw the hood of the younger one down. Showing a bold head. Poor girl! Not paying what the adults were saying any mind I went and grabbed the girl's hand and led her to the counter where there was a stool and pushed her into it. I then grabbed my bag that was around my chest and grabbed a wig from it. I then placed it on her head and started stealing it. It was a brown wig with soft wavy curls that shined in the light. She looked really good in it. And the entire time I was doing this Sophie and some other kid with slavery hair were staring at me in wonder. The girl I put the wig on was looking at me with wonder and curiosity. We were all so lost in what we were doing that we didn't notice the adults looking at us, me manly, and wondering where in the world I got that wig from.

It was all quiet until Sophie decided to ask the question everyone was wondering. "Akari, love. Where in the world did you get that wig form? And why do you just have a wig on you?" I ignored her for a second while I finished up with the wig then turned and signed back. "Well dear sister I have many wigs on me at all times because you never know when you might need to fake your own death and move to Mexico." As soon as I was done Sophie immediately started laughing while everyone else just looked really lost. "Akari! NO!! You don't need to fake your death and go to Mexico!" She was able to finally get out between laughs. "You never know!!" Everyone looked really pale at the mention of faking my death, but we just continued on laughing or smiling in my stance. I can't really make any sounds because my throat is so damaged. We never were able to find out why it was so bad, it just is. My parents had tried everything growing up to try and help but nothing would work.

After we calmed down the girl thanked me and got up and walked out with her mother. The other adults were still concerned about the faking my death but Sophie and I just ignored them and talked to the other kid who told me his name was Dex. And that is how Sophie and I met our cousin/best friend and got to see Slurps and Burps for the first time.

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