Chapter Four

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Sophie and I are walking down the path to school hand in hand when Soph gets grabbed. Not knowing who it was, I got in front of her and punched the guy. Only realizing it was Ritz after he falls back and looks at me. Oops.

He and Soph started to talk again and I was not in the mood to pay them any attention. So I looked around where I was and spotted the jogger guy from this morning. I make eye contact with him and tilt my head. He just continues to look at me with confusion and shock. From what I will never know.

Sophie then grabs my hand and we are whisked away from the school and the weird jogger guy. I wonder if his hand is feeling better? Did he get the dog home alright? I was just lost in my thoughts, not noticing the fact I was supposed to be focusing on Sophie's hand. A big mistake I will very soon regret.

We appear at some really weird gate. It was glowing. GLOWING!! Like what!? Before I can even look around I fall face first into the ground. There is then a lot of yelling from all around me. Confused, I look up to see not only Sophie and that Ritz cracker but also an older looking Ritz all looking over me. Still lost I slowly start to get up and to my feet.

"Don't move! Hold on, Fitz go get your mother!" The older guy yells. I look at him and everyone else and shake my head. "I'm ok! No need to freak out so much." I signed to them. Both boys look at me confused with what I'm doing with my hands, but Sophie understands and just shakes her head and grabs my hand leading me inside.

On our way in she explains to them about me being mute and how what I was doing with my hands was signing. She also explains to me that the reason we're here is for a test to see if we can go to this one school. They named it after a fungus. When I said this to Sophie she translated to the other two and Ritz looked really annoyed. But the older one was laughing his but off.

Apparently we are also not human and are elves but we don't have magic like in Harry Potter. Sad. But whatever, we're here for a test and I never have been good with those. Nor do I do good with the government. So we'll see how this turns out. It can't be that bad. Right?

Oh how wrong I was.

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