Chapter two

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We somehow end up a block away from our house. How he knows where we live is a mystery. After they had talked for a bit we finally made our way home.

When we got in we found our mom on the phone. She did NOT look happy. But I was too tired to care why and just walked up to her and hugged her. She was confused at first but then she saw the look in my eye and just hugged me back, still talking to Sophie.

A few minutes later my mom put her hand on my forehead. And almost instantly pulled it back. "Oh my! Akari sweetie are you ok? You're burning up!" She said, I could now hear her cause on the way in, I took my earbuds out.

Confused, I looked up at her and tilted my head again. A habit I got to help express my confusion seeing as I'm mute. Seeing how lost I was she grabbed my hand and brought me to the kitchen where we have our medicine cabinet. And grabbed the thermometer.

She took my temp and immediately yelled at my dad to get a washcloth wet and make sure it was cold water. She then led me up to my room that is just across the hall from Sophie's.

"I want you to go take a cold shower and then get ready for bed, and while you do that I'll make you some soup." My mother had said. "Why? I feel fine. Why do I need to take a cold shower?" I was still very lost. "Because you're running a really high fever, so I want you to lay down so we can get it down." Was all she said before walking out of my room. From the hall I could hear her yell for Amy to get down stairs for dinner. Weird.

Deciding I didn't want to deal with a mad mother, I went and showered and got ready for bed. Now that she said that, I was feeling really off. Not the sick kind of off, but the off you get when something is happening in your body.

True to her word she and my dad came up a bit later with soup and a wet washcloth as well as a boul. My mom handed me the soup and went to get my fan from my closet. She then set it up so it was facing me and turned not only it on but also the one on my roof.

As she did this I finished the soup and my dad grabbed it from me and leaned me down on the bed. He then put the cold washcloth on my head and kissed the top of my head. "Good night sweetie." He said walking to the door letting my mom have room to get to me. "I want you to sleep and we will check your temp in the morning and decide if you're going to school or not. Sleep well and if you need anything we are just down the hall." My mom said as she tucked me in and kissed my head. "We love you Akari, sleep well princess." They said walking out turning off my lights.

I then rolled over and hugged my stuffed panda closer to my body, and went to sleep.

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