truth from Author878 (from a new blog )

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Yes those fake accs On tiktok

I think I already know who's doing that!

Their parents can turn a blind eye and the scrags they hang out with lol

But truth is

"It's those closest to you
Who want to hurt you the most,"

It's literally close friends and family

They don't like being in your shadow and it kills them to the point Envy takes over and then other stuff...

They get envious of your plans

If physical sabotage doesn't work they resort to other tactics like slander, stalking
And if that doesn't work...
Who knows only your intuition knows what they'll do next...

I've been physically beaten to the point of concussion, my male and female just like my friend who runs the socials...
People hate you for doing better

Family should be happy, but there's a lot going on with them you don't know!

Comparison is a disease, but its done as motivation, and it never works...

What did I do after the assault...
Self care, I got myself better and carrying on was the best revenge ever.
Only 2019 sparked a lot of controversy for me...

I'll explain in greater detail what happened that year!

(If you have not subscribed to my blogs maybe you should and this is only a trailer...

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