You don't need a key

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No matter how much it hurts
I know you're on my mind
We have a deep bond
Please Don't cry
Unless its not that spiritual and I just want you back
Or do you crave my hugs at last
Did you get sick of me and leave
Now do you want to come home
Are you too far away
If only you'd say the words
If only you could text me
It's so hard knowing you're sad
I just want to cry
I need you more than you need me
This is the truth
I need to be loved my heart it hurts
Without you
Did someone take you away from me
I need to know because my minds going 360
I need you in my arms
I love everything you do
Even if its bad
I crave your scent and moaning
I crave your behavioural patterns
Please come home
The doors always open for you
My window is never closed
You're my soul
My companion

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