unbothered - 878/Caulishaw

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You don't hurt one little bit
You never hurt me Then
You don't hurt me now
My bloodline is special it may not look this way, but I'd rather be here
The empathy of struggle is surreal
The passion is never compared
Nor is the love you will feel
Or the sting of rejection
We are unstoppable
Don't think for a moment you ever hurt us at all!
Your thoughts are so irrelevant
The love surrounding us is unbeatable
You're Unbearable and hard to love
A lack of trust
Unsure of yourself
Listening to parts of conversations
Never really knowing the truth at all
Not until someone let's you in
Once you sting us there ain't no letting in
It ain't a lack of trust its called knowing our worth
The truth is maybe one stupid moment of attraction
Only you ain't a cuppa that satisfies
Its why nobody wants you
When you're wanted you make the tea go cold
You sit and cry about the past
Yet you do nothing at all
Take your thoughts and leave them with a gold digger
Make fun of people and call people nuts
You ain't exactly on the radar for being a copycat or an evil trendsetter
People might laugh at a joke
Then call you pathetic behind your back and you'd never know
🤣unless you were there
I'm through defending people like you
Too much ego, too much pride and too much arrogance
My heart don't even belong to me...
Nor does my soul...
So I won't feed it negative energy
People like you are too into your friends and they storm out like paparazzi
If they hear one word its twisted
How you supposed to changed under their thumb
Now enjoy your sad pathetic lonely life
Those who chase x
Women and money seriously know nothing about the reality of dunya
Its all yeah yeah yeah, but you don't completely understand
Or you'd act differently

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