thanks x from author878

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I miss you
You were everything
I aim to be the one to keep your legacy alive
Even if I'm tired I'll go to the parties, the weddings
I'll smile
I'll look my best for you mum
I aim to achieve more not for me
For you
You raised me
You told me do your best
So everything is for you
My love
The television stuff and radio stuff was for you
Things I couldn't show you that I wanted to so badly it hurt at first, but now I know you're smiling
When I dream you're at peace I'm at peace
I'm happy because I know in jennah I can show you my biggest achievements of 2023/2024
I've yet to settle down, but I'm getting closer to in shaa Allah finding the right person
Allah elevated me in a way I can't stop thanking Him for everyday
All those rumours have now come back to haunt the tongue slippers
I laughed when they say I'm up to no good and I'm hustling
I'm not rich in the dunya, but I make people smile everyday
So alhamdulilah
I hope you and dad are both proud of me
I love both of you with all my heart
My mind, my body and my soul
I love everyone I grew up around they were the best and I'd never forget the times we all spent together
It's been a great childhood
The move was hard, but I understand Allah challenges us to achieve our best achievements, and maybe I wouldn't have achieved all this if we were still where we were
Or maybe better
Maybe I was challenged and tested and I'm grateful for my hardlife
Thank you for being my mum
Sorry if I ever made life difficult
Or if I was too much sometimes
Only I know deep down we had a deep love and understanding for one another...

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