it's how it was planned

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I stopped at nothing
I thought people were sabotaging us
I wanted you
There was love
Until my dreams turned dark
Then you wouldn't even visit my dreams
Your face couldn't turn to me
It started to make sense
I asked the almighty if we are good for each other draw us in like a magnet
If there will be toxicity please 🙏 separate us but leave no grudges
I hope you have no grudges
I hope you're a gentleman I attracted
Not a man who clings to the past who thinks constantly of things in a negative way
Are you mad at feeling attracted to me?
Like it was a waste of time?
I was attracted too and it didn't waste time it taught me about resistance
To accept you can't always have it all
You waited long
Maybe there's a surprise for you
I hope you think of me positively and not in toxicity
You were my highlight but Allah put a barrier there
Maybe we are too different but it doesn't mean I don't think you aren't handsome
Or worthy of loyalty or high intelligence
A woman of greater knowledge than I will come
   I don't view myself in a way certain people do, but I don't know how you pictured me on that pedestal at the time
Grieving has a way of numbing you to the point you don't feel like you deserve to be loved or feel like love
You're afraid you'll lose them
My fear was being a young widow like my mum, but I realised I was stupid and how this got her a high rank in jennah
I kind of feel like you're mad at me
I'm not mad at you I never have been
I just once saw you smile in real life and saw it in a dream
It will be good to see someone make you smile because you have a beautiful smile mashaAllah tabarakallah
I seen your hustle and it inspired me
So you ain't all that bad 
Just because I'm too shy to tell you to your face
I know you're kind of mad at me about some stuff, like the book?
Only it was not even about you
You know not
Only Bushy isn't to do with you either...  this books getting taken off here and some place where nobody will find it soon...
Sammy was based off someone else not you
I know you are mad at me because your energy Is off I feel it 

Don't let small things get you because the Satan likes to create the hatred and the separation
This is why so many ppl do bad things
All Satan's plan, but Allah's test
Do we turn away or take it like a man or woman
In my case a manly woman lol I dunno
So many evil eyes
Its Satan making the hearts so full of debris and dirt
All I want is for us to wipe the slate clean
Just go back to the beginning
Like we are regular brothers and sisters walking down the street 
Like we know each other and there's respect and there is love
One day if you see I'm struggling pray help comes along
Only alhamdulilah know I'm okay
Wi th you, you're on my mind and I think about you to make dua for you
I don't think about you negative or in a bad way
I never have and never will
Even if you hurt me I never take things to heart
Know this about me and think in a positive way
Take advice from Me
The chill can be In jennah
Don't be a roadman or road lady
Don't let dunya be your jennah

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