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D is home to the humble Dandelion a common weed, that's also the prettiest and it makes a brilliant humble cuppa and is an excellent herbal Diuretic
Days are when 24 hours pass by multiple times and Detesting is not a positive emotion, but can sometimes be necessary
Deeds are when we perform good beautiful humble actions that make us very loved and honoured by not only God and His Angels but also people

E is home to the humble Egg...
A food produced by chicken bums or as Americans put it the humble chicken butt, but is amazing as it can be cooked multiple ways
A person can be both boring or fun making them Entertaining
Ease is great; but we need some challenging aspects, but give us something easy for now

F is my favourite and the fire of our counter opposite literally where we don't want to be and we dread that fire...
Or there's the beauty of the fireplace that keeps you warm all those beautiful nights
Forever is a choice you make to be loyal or to never stop loving someone and you mean it forever
Fevers are our body's way of protecting us from bacterial overgrowth so we get over heated by a nasty fever
Ferets don't make the best of pets
Flowers every woman loves and brighten anyone's day

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