i know- worldwide writers

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I know the pains you hide...
You want to be noticed by those who you care about the most...
You care more than they do because your hearts purer. .
They act like they care and you do everything for them only when it comes to others you're at the back of the radar!
Face it you're not important you aren't a push over and let the world know this
Don't sit their feeling sorry for people you loose along the way...
Some still love you, but you're too busy chasing things and people who won't care about you and that hurts so those who notice your toxic patterns run before they get hurt...
You have had too much hurt now you must love yourself enough to do what you truly think is right and what you deserve...
Have you ever seen 27 dresses and how he who actually notices her doing too much, and wants to care, but she's too busy chasing a stupid pointless dream...
He also was chasing a stupid pointless dream and then eventually they let all things slide because no feeling is greater than love
Don't lose someone you love because once they feel abandoned they will go and sometimes not always the right people pick them up or they struggle immensely but say nothing at all to
You can't cry because they let go
Cry because you never made an effort
Have they ever trier to reach out to you and you completely shut them out
Time and time again
That they completely gave up on the idea of maybe Someday they will be mine
They chose to wait until heaven
If goodbye hurts now imagine how much it will hurt in a couple of years if someone finds this person and actually loves them...
All that reservation and they totally forgot how to kiss or do anything...
It's like having innocence right in front of you, but you were too blind to even notice it!

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