Part 31

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I apologize for the lack of an update, but here it is - the last 2 chapters. Please enjoy!


"Estimated time is five minutes."

Leaning against the partition separating the driver's cab from the rest of the ambulance, Jennie nodded tiredly. " Thank you."

Lisa lay next to me, on a narrow mobile stretcher with ECG sensors attached to her chest. She had slept through most of the hour-and-a-half ride.

"Honey," Jennie ran her hand through Lisa's hair, "We're almost there."

"Yes, I heard him," Lisa turned to find her beloved's face in her gaze, "Once I'm settled, you can go back before..."

"We've already talked about this," Jennie said softly." I'm not leaving you. If they do the operation today, we'll be home by tomorrow. Minji will be in Irene's capable hands for now.

"I know, I just thought... I just thought it would be easier for you not to wait for me at the hospital. You're probably thinking about Jyin right now."

Jennie leaned in close enough that the nurse, who was strapped into a small seat at the other end of the car, couldn't hear them. Her whisper cut through the steel. "What were you thinking, Lisa, when you made it almost impossible not to fall in love with you? Did you think I'd leave you as soon as we ran into the first problem? Even the most minor one?"

It was at least a minute before Lisa spoke. "I wanted you so badly that I refused to think about what might happen if this happened." Lisa seemed completely crushed. "That wasn't very fair, was it?"

"Oh, Lisa," Jennie said with a sigh, shaking her head gently. "Justice has nothing to do with it. Life isn't fair. Love isn't fair." She ran her fingers along Lisa's cheek. "But if there's love, that changes everything. And I love you."

"I love you too," Lisa reached for Jennie's hand and squeezed it quietly. She was scared. It wasn't so much that she was afraid of dying, it was the thought of not being able to spend the rest of her life with Jennie that terrified her. "I'm really glad you're with me now. Jen."

"Good. Then stop trying to get rid of me."

The car slowed to a stop and no sooner had it stopped than the back doors swung open. Jennie was surprised when a slender, dark-haired woman in a dark blue robe climbed in and sat down next to Lisa, ignoring the nurses.

"Damn it, Manoban. What have you gotten yourself into now?" The woman reached for the EKG monitor and pressed a few buttons. Twenty seconds later, she ripped off Lisa's heart rhythm tape and glimpsed her. "You don't look bad enough to declare a general alarm. Getting all mellowed out on your new cushy job?"

"I'm sorry," Jennie interjected coldly. "But I think it would be prudent to move Dr. Manoban to the waiting room where she can be properly supervised."

The newcomer gave Jennie an assessing look, raising one eyebrow. Jennie gritted her teeth and held her gaze.

Before sparks started flying off of them, Lisa quickly introduced the girls to each other. "Dr. Saxton Sinclair, Dr. Jennie Kim, head of the FMC emergency department. Jennie is my..."

"Her lover," Jennie quickly finished for her. She bent over Lisa's former boss and, addressing the staff, said, "Let's move her."

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Kim," Sachs smiled encouragingly at Jennie and stepped back, clearing an aisle.

"Get her to trauma, boys." Sachs ordered the nurses. She looked at Lisa. "When Karoly called to say you were on your way in, I found Wisnicki on the phone. He's waiting upstairs in the operating room in case the defibrillator needs to be replaced."

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