Part 14

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It wasn't yet six in the morning when Jennie appeared in the kitchen to make coffee. Ten minutes later, she was standing in front of the window with a cup of hot Hawaiian Blue Voodoo in her hand, looking out over the backyard. Lisa had settled into a wicker chair under a large willow tree, leaning her head back and closing her eyes. The mere sight of her gave Jennie an electric shock. The nicest electric shock in the world. She hesitated for a moment, but then filled a second mug of coffee and slipped quietly outside.

"Where's your bandage?" Jennie asked, settling into a nearby chair.

Lisa turned her head in her direction, opened her eyes, and smiled shyly. "I lost her."

"Uh, how fortunate." Jennie couldn't help but smile, holding out her coffee. "Can I cheer you up with this?"

"If this coffee tastes even half as good as it smells, you can ask for my immortal soul in exchange for this cup." She took the coffee and took a sip, then closed her eyes and sighed contentedly. "God, this is great."

"Mmm... "Jennie liked being the cause of Liz's unconcealed pleasure. Perhaps even a little too much. But on this summer, warm morning, she didn't care.

Smiling, Lisa inquired lazily. "So what do I owe you?"

"Well, your soul is probably safe for now." Pretending to ponder, Jennie finally smiled. "I'll come to you when I think of something suitable."

"Okay," Lisa replied leisurely, "Just let me know what, when and where."

The husky intonation in Lisa's voice didn't escape Jennie's attention, though she refused to acknowledge the pleasant warmth that filled her in response. Instead, she sipped her coffee and gazed into Lisa's face. There were light shadows under her eyes, but her gaze seemed clear, without a trace of pain. "Did you get any sleep at all?"

"A little." In fact, it was no easier for her to fall asleep after her shower than it had been before it, and she tossed and turned all night. All she could think about was her meeting with Jennie, the semi-dark hallway, the hanging silence, and her pleas for Jennie to touch her. The intense arousal that accompanied these memories was no match for restful sleep. "I woke up early and when I looked outside I decided I just had to come down here. You don't always see mornings like this in Seoul."

"No, I guess you won't." Jennie set her cup down and stretched out her legs, noticing Lisa's arm resting motionless across her stomach. "How's the shoulder?"

"Better. Still not moving well... about as well as I expected."

"You didn't ask me to help with your bandage after the shower."

"I tried," Lisa replied, feeling a little embarrassed and a little guilty. "But when I looked into your room, you were already asleep."

Yeah, and I dreamt about you. Jennie blushed. "I'm sorry. You could have woken me up."

Lisa shrugged a healthy shoulder. "You could have. But I figured it wasn't really necessary."

"Wow, really?"

"You know, I'm a doctor, too."

"Also, you're a badass, and I know how badasses deal with injuries - they ignore them and pretend they didn't happen."

Lisa laughed. "My bad, I admit it." She sipped her coffee thoughtfully. "But what about you? You attack me like you're the cool one in the family yourself."

"Not particularly. I was usually too busy studying. Jieun was in charge of our family."

The words came out on their own, and Jennie froze stone-faced. She didn't usually talk about Jieun, at least not to anyone but Rose, Jisoo, or Irene. She had no idea why Lisa had told her.

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