Part 7

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"So what happened to those mushroom people?" asked Rose, arranging carrots and celery stalks on a platter. "Sorry, I couldn't stay late at work and help. Gees had to run to the bowling alley."

"No problem, Lisa stayed. We flushed their stomachs and had them stabilized by about nine." Jennie mixed the sour cream and onion sauce and poured the mixture into a small bowl. "Haven't seen anything like this since I was in college. Thank God I had the good sense not to try that stuff."

"I'm surprised you recognized it."

"The usual manifestations," Jennie shrugged. "It's all in the textbooks."

"Of course, like a thousand other things."

"I'm lucky, I have a good memory for esoteric processes."

"Uh-huh." Rose knew there was a reason Jennie had taken over as head of the emergency room at such a young age. She stood out as a student, it was like she had some sixth sense, a talent that made some people real therapists. Jennie had both the skill and the skills of a therapist." But we both know that just remembering what the book says is not enough to recognize it when faced with it in reality.

Embarrassed by the praise. Jennie lowered her eyes. "Actually. Lisa was the first to notice something was wrong. I was only a catch."

"Of course," Rose hummed, sorting the chicken pieces into bowls. "I agree about Lisa, though. Not only does she have great hands, but she has good intuition."

Jennie thought of Lisa's hands, how similar they were to Lisa herself. Calm and sure at crucial moments, moving with surgical precision, yet surprisingly gentle and soft when she was caring for Minji.

A heady mix, especially for a woman so confident, so attractive, so...

"Jen? Hey!"

"Yes?" Jennie flinched. "Sorry, I was...brooding."

"Yeah, I've noticed," Rose cocked her head and looked at Jennie carefully. "What's going on?"

Jennie shook her head and reached for her bow.

"Absolutely nothing."

* * *

Lisa stood in the middle of her large room and slowly turned around, looking around at the changes that had taken place. "Not bad."

She attached two bookshelves to the wall opposite the windows and unpacked most of the books. The couch and TV were arranged so she could sit on the former and watch the latter. She realized she needed a coffee table. She had nowhere to put her feet or her dinner when she would be watching the news. She hadn't bought much furniture while she was in Manhattan because she had rented a fully furnished apartment during her internship. Lisa had planned to buy an apartment after she settled into her new position at St. Michael's. But right now, she couldn't, could guess what would happen to her even a year from now.

There was no point in continuing here, we should start setting up the bedroom. Lisa tried to remember where she had seen the box labeled <sheets>. Walking down the hallway, she glanced at the unpretentious round clock she had hung in the kitchen. It was almost noon. She froze in place.

Shit! I still have to shower, change, and find a place to buy wine around here. The wave of happiness that ran through her body made Lisa smile.

"I guess I can't do any more unpacking."

Thirty minutes later, she was ready. She stopped by the liquor store and spent a couple of minutes choosing a bottle of red and a bottle of white wine. Then it occurred to her that she should bring something for the lady of the house.

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