Part 12

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"Where did you park?" Rosé asked, stopping beside her Volvo.

Jennie walked a couple of meters forward and stopped next to Lisa. "A little farther away, in her usual spot. "

Leaning against the open door of her car, Rosé offered.

"Why don't you, stop by our place for a drink after you drop Lisa off? I think the party's over now, so we can sit and relax."

"Thanks, I guess I'll just pick up Minji , and that's enough for today." Jennie said quietly. She was still reeling from today's events, not to mention the moment when they had almost kissed. I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

"Irene was taking Minji home when I was going to the hospital."

"Well, then, I'll go home and give Irene a little break."

"Rosé can drive me if you want," Lisa said quietly so Rosé couldn't hear.

"I've wasted a lot of your time as it is, and I'm grateful for everything you've done for me."

Now that Jennie knew everything, Lisa couldn't blame her for being concerned about the legal implications of her subordinate's medical condition. And no matter what her actions entailed. Lisa couldn't be angry with Jennie.

"No, I want to drive you myself," Jennie insisted. Today had been a roller-coaster ride for her, first having to fix Lisa's joint on the spot, then the shock of how serious her medical condition really was. Jennie feared that if she turned her back now and went home, she would drown in feelings of helplessness, anxiety and anger. She desperately wanted just a few minutes in the car alone with Lisa. She was overwhelmed by the realization that it was the only thing she could think about right now.

"I only live a couple houses away from Rosé, so it won't be a problem for me. If that's okay with you."

"I'm very much okay with that." Lisa smiled, wanting only one thing in the world" to be together with Jennie. "I'd be very happy to go with you. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Jennie smiled softly at Lisa's impeccable courtesy, even in this situation. "Your mom raised you well."

"She'd love to hear that." Lisa replied seriously, and, grinning, added. "There were times when I'm sure she had her doubts about it."

"So why do I really believe that?" Laughing and feeling a sudden burst of vigor, Jennie waved her hand at Rosé and led them to her Subaru. Holding the passenger door open for Lisa, Jennie machine put her hand on her waist to help Lisa get in, and suddenly, felt a faint tingling sensation in her hand. At the same time, Lisa trembled and let out a light moan.

The sensation seemed so fleeting that Jennie wouldn't have noticed if she hadn't been so sensitive to the situation. She immediately realized that the slight vibration she felt was the aftereffect of Lisa's defibrillator going off. The focused electrical discharge was painless, but strong enough for the person who was in physical contact with Lisa at that moment to feel it.

"Lisa?" Jennie tried to speak lightly, though her own heart raced much faster.

"I'm fine." Lisa blinked, then smiled weakly. Damn, at the worst possible time!

"Is this the first time it's worked since today's incident?" Jennie asked, scrutinizing Lisa's face.

"Yes," Lisa replied decisively. "Before that, it triggered two days ago when I was at the gym. Luckily, Mina thought it was static electricity and I didn't have to explain myself."

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