Part 9,10,11

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Lisa made her way through the crowd around the barbecue grill to where Jennie was setting out the plates of food Jisoo had given her. There were two large platters of chicken and burgers arranged in slides .

"I hope you don't mind that your...mother-in-law...invited me to keep you company," Lisa said, inexplicably feeling very embarrassed. At the hospital, Lisa had known how to behave when dealing with Dr. Kim, but now was different. Jennie seemed completely different here. And Lisa herself, too. Outside the ER, Jennie seemed unapproachable, aloof, as if she didn't want anyone but Rose and Jisoo to get close to her. Lisa, like many surgeons, was used to dealing with emotional coldness. But all she wanted now was to find a gap in Jennie's invisible shield, to look at her with that special smile in her eyes. That kind of attention-seeking was new to Lisa, and it scared the hell out of her.

"Why should I mind?" asked Jennie without raising her head. She still hadn't gotten over that surge of anger caused by Lisa's image with Mina. She was almost... Jealous. And it was ridiculous and ridiculous.

"I just wouldn't want to interfere with your family interaction," Lisa reached for a platter of fried chicken. "Let me help you."

A movement that startled them both. Jennie squeezed Lisa's forearm with her fingers, stopping her. Looking into Lisa's eyes, she smiled. "It's okay I think it's going to be okay. And I'm sure Minji will be jumping to the sky with delight."

"Great. I want to see that." Lisa's heart was pounding three times faster than usual and for some reason, it gave her pleasure. "Let me take this to the table."

"Thank you. I think Minji and Irene have taken up residence under the tree." Jennie's fingers slid affectionately over Lisa's hand. She didn't even realize what she'd done until she felt Lisa shiver slightly and saw the blue of her eyes darken. In a hoarse and low voice, Jennie said. "Go on, I'll be right with you."

"I'll be waiting." Lisa took a step back because Jennie apparently couldn't move while her hand was touching Lisa, no matter how lightly. "I'll hold a spot for you."

Jennie nodded gratefully. You're a charmer, Lalisa Manoban.

"I don't care even if I have to sit on the ground. As long as you save me something to eat - I'm starving."

"I'll do even better, I'll put something aside for you." Lisa smiled easily and casually. "What do you like better leg or...breasts?"

Jennie's lips quivered, stretched into a wide smile, and she laughed loudly. "Wing."

Lisa laughed too, glad her hands were busy because she desperately wanted to run her thumb over the small dimple on Jennie's chin. She had to force herself to step back, "I'll see you in a minute."

After Lisa brought the chicken and set aside a portion for Jennie, she found Minji and Irene sitting at a small glass table under a large green sailcloth umbrella. They all had disposable plates filled with food, plastic cups with drinks, and happy smiles on their faces.

"Hi Lisa ," exclaimed Minji excitedly .

Lisa settled down next to them in the wicker chair and placed a plate in her lap. "Hi. Minji. How are you doing?

"Great! I've got a flashlight under my eye!"

"Yes, I see," Lisa said seriously, squinting and leaning forward to look at the stitches. No swelling, no redness, the wound was clean. "Very impressive."

"Yeah, and it's also really cool."

"No doubt about it."

Jennie took a plate from the chair beside Liz and sat down as well. "Thank you." She smiled at Minji.

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