Part 5

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Jennie parked in the narrow lot in front of her half of the three-story Victorian house and entered through the back door leading directly into the kitchen. Her mother-in-law, Irene Arin, was washing dishes at the sink near the window. Irene lived in the other half of the house" mirroring Jennie's half.

Although her age was approaching sixty, with her still quite slender figure, beautiful breasts, and hair without any signs of gray, Irene looked about fifteen years younger than her peers. The look in her blue eyes was bright and piercing and, at this moment, they sparkled especially.

"You're like you're in a play. You're soaked to the skin. Throw off your coloshes and run straight upstairs for a hot shower."

Jennie dropped her shoes in silence. Irene was like a second mother to her, Jennie had known her since she was a teenager. Now that her parents were retired, moving closer to the southwest, escaping the cold winters, she'd only seen them during the big holidays. Irene, on the other hand, had become a major part of her and Minji 's daily life. She not only took care of the girl, but became one of Jennie 's best friends.

"Where's my gnome?"

"I left a plate in the oven for you. As soon as you shower and change, come down and eat."

Jennie knew better than to argue. Walking past Irene. she hugged her gently. "Is she okay?"

"I guess so. She hardly ever thinks about it, and when she does remember...I think she's proud of herself."

"Proud?" raised an eyebrow at Jennie . "I think she dreams of showing those stitches to all her friends tomorrow."

Jennie laughed. "So it looks like it's going to survive, then. I'll be back in a minute, and then you can go to your room if you want."

"I'm in no hurry," Irene replied, starting to load the dishwasher.

On her way to the main staircase at the end of the hallway, Jennie glanced into the living room with the large brick fireplace. The television was tuned to the <nature> channel, her daughter was curled up on the couch, and a dark curly mass was perched on her lap. Upon closer inspection, the shapeless mass turned into a regular black poodle, wagging its tail vigorously.

"Hello, my dear," Jennie leaned over to kiss her daughter on the forehead and scratch the poodle behind the ear at the same time. "Hi, Doggie."

"Hi, Mom," Minji smiled and focused her attention back on the herd of wild animals running across the African savannah.

Jennie sat down on the edge of the couch and touched her fingers to Minji's neck, scratching it gently. "How's your head?"

"It hurts a little, but it's fine."

"Good." Jennie lifted Minji 's chin . to examine her face. "Mmm... You have a flashlight under your eye."

"What's that?"

"The kind of black and blue mark you get when you hit your knee..."

" Or during the game."

" Uh-huh, only this time it's around the eye."

"And why is it called <lamp?">."

Jennie thought for a moment... "I have no idea."

"But it's cool, right?"

"Very much so. I'm going to change and get you into bed now." Jennie leaned over and kissed her daughter once more, "you'll come up when I call you, okay?

"Uh-huh, will you read me that part about magical medicine again?"

"Don't you want to read aloud by yourself today?"

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