Part 8

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Jennie, dangling her feet in the clear blue water, watched the swirls and splashes around her feet.

She gripped the edge of the pool so tightly that her knuckles turned white. What's happening to me?

"Mom, look how I can do it," Minji called out.

Jennie obediently raised her head and smiled at her daughter as she watched her jump into the pool. Jieun had taught Minji to swim when she was very young and Minji felt as confident in the water as she did on land. When the girl surfaced and looked up at her, Jieun nodded approvingly, but her thoughts were on something else entirely. She turned her head back and looked toward the house. Lisa was still standing under the maple tree, one hand resting on the ladder. She was looking at me like I was the only one here.

Jennie quickly turned away. Her heart was pounding, and she could still feel Lisa's firm body. She felt Lisa's breasts gently touching her back, unmistakably recognized the feel of her nipples hardening beneath the thin fabric. Both her own and Lisa's. Trembling, she closed her eyes. The wave of arousal that accompanied this brief contact overwhelmed her. This was not at all what she had expected to feel. The furthest thing from her dreams. She wasn't looking for or expecting arousal, but her body took it as naturally as another breath. Jennie was stunned, frightened and very excited. I don't want this. I don't.

Without thinking, Lisa mechanically carried the ladder and tools back to the garage and stood at the corner of the house, looking out over the wide, rectangular backyard. A wooden picnic table stood under a huge maple tree in the company of several garden chairs scattered around it. A long path of neatly trimmed greenery ran across the yard and ducked under the fence. A considerable space was occupied by the swimming pool, which was now the center of everyone's attention. Almost all the children were in it, and most of the parents were sitting around it.

But only one figure absorbed all her attention.

It was as if other people didn't exist. The force drawing her to Jennie had been there from the first time they'd met, and though she didn't realize it, the feeling was too strong to deny. She wanted to sit there beside her in the hot sun, watching the children frolic, talking about everything and nothing at the same time. She wanted his hand resting on the damp edge of the pool, resting on her thigh as it had not so long ago in the car. Easy, relaxed, and confident, as if it were Jennie's own thigh.

Lisa walked across the yard and stationed herself at the picnic table, from where she could see Jennie's profile. She could still smell her scent, bright and seductive. She could still feel her body, warm and strong, the moment they made contact.

As she watched Jennie lightly brush her hair back from her daughter's forehead, Lisa longed to lay her head in her lap and feel the comforting touch of those gentle fingers. She wanted to lie with her in the dark after her violent outpouring of passion and tell her all her secrets.

That's impossible. There are many reasons for that. Then why don't I want it to stop?

And she knew why. She watched as Jennie lifted her hand again to sweep the unruly curls away from her face. That unconscious movement seemed incredibly gentle and yet confident at the same time. Somehow Lisa knew that in the same way those hands would touch her. And she longed for it. And everything that would follow.

* * *

Irene intercepted Rose on her way out of the house with another tray of appetizers. "Not a bad party, my dear."

"Having fun?"

"Very much so." Irene, dressed for the occasion in loose dark cotton pants, a brightly embroidered blouse, and an oversized straw farmer's hat, looked around at the crowd of guests. "I notice there's an interesting newcomer here, too."

Destined Love (Jenlisa Adaptation)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt