Part 18

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The impossible is possible. Lisa couldn't believe that Jennie was sitting on the couch, in her house. "So... hmm... what should I wear?"

"Put on?" frowned Jennie.

"Well, out of clothes. We're going to have dinner, aren't we?"

It was only now that Jennie realized this was becoming too much like a date. It wasn't what she'd planned, but it was hard to deny that the thought of a few hours alone with Lisa - not at work, not at home, not being watched by friends or family-excited her. She immediately thought of a small restaurant nearby, one of the most secluded corners in the neighborhood.

"Something you like besides jeans."

"I'll be quick."

Jennie walked into the kitchen and stopped at the back door, looking pensively around the landing outside. Just two nights ago, she'd been sitting on these steps, letting Lisa peer into the deepest corners of her heart. Listening to the sound of the shower water just beyond the wall, she reflected on how easily, effortlessly, Lisa had entered the very center of her mind. She didn't push, she didn't pry, she didn't create tension around Jennie. Simple pleasures were given depth and power by the presence of a single woman.

Jennie jumped when a voice hoarse with excitement sounded behind her. "I'm ready."

Wanting to look relaxed, Jennie turned and immediately realized that all her hopes had been dashed. She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks and knew that her reaction had not gone unnoticed, even in the low evening light. Lisa wore dark pants 'so blue they seemed black and a simple white shirt, leaving the top buttons unbuttoned. The wet hair made a wonderfully careless combination. Lisa stood only two meters away from her and Jennie could smell the light scent of her perfume.

At the first sight, a wave of pleasure surged from deep inside Jennie and, seconds later, an avalanche of mixed emotions: lust, lust and shock came over her in a surprising way.

"Is something wrong?" asked Lisa quietly. She wasn't sure what she should do now <stay or disappear>. Jennie had a very strange expression on her face, as if she was seeing Lisa for the first time. "Jennie?"

Jennie shuddered and laughed embarrassedly. "No, it's okay. You look great. Come on."

"Where are we going?" Lisa followed Jennie to the exit, grabbing a bunch of keys from the small table by the door on the way.

"There's this little place a couple blocks from here." Jennie stopped on the threshold and turned to Lisa. "We can go for a walk, if that's okay with you."

"Not at all," Lisa replied immediately, "I like to walk. I'm still getting used to the new neighborhood."

Jennie laughed. "Then let me be your guide."

* * *

By the time they reached the place, it was almost eight o'clock. Since it was a working day, they easily found a free table by the window in an area separated from the common room. The atmosphere was cozy and intimate.

Lisa looked around the neat little restaurant, noting the watercolors by local artists on the walls and the subdued soft light from the frosted glass fixtures on the walls. "Very nice."

"Glad you liked it." Jennie wondered how the position she found herself in, which just had to be awkward 'having dinner with a girl she barely knew and whose acquaintance didn't go at all smoothly "how that position could have come so naturally and effortlessly to her. But Jennie already knew the answer. And the answer was Lisa.

"You know, you're a very unusual surgeon," Jennie said thoughtfully.

Lisa tore her gaze away from the menu, and looked questioningly at Jennie. "Um...?"

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