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D h r i t i

Ugh, why the hell isn't he answering his phone? It's been switched off for a whole thirty minutes. What a load of crap! Did he conveniently forget that we had plans to hang out together? Fine, let me call Ayaan instead.

“Hey, Riti Di."

“Hey, Ayaan. Where the hell is your so-called Aarush Bhai?” I asked him.

“Oh, Aarush Bhai is at the office,” he said. What the hell? He's at work while I'm here waiting for him like a fool.

“Riti Di, is there a problem?” Ayaan asked me.

“For now, there's no problem, Ayaan,” I said.

“So, that means my brother is in deep shit, right?” he asked.

“Maybe,” I said.

“Okay, I will pray for my brother.” He said as he hung up the call.

I walked inside Aarush’s office, frustration was seething beneath my skin but I maintained a poker face. When I came near Aarush’s cabin I saw a small number of people standing outside Aarush’s cabin. Aryan and Raghav are also here and someone also caught my attention. Nithya. What the fuck is she doing here? Now I have no time to concentrate on her.

There is a tension hanging in the air as I walked near Aryan.

“Riti Di?”

“What happened, Aryan?” I asked him.

“Riti Di. . . That. . . Our 100 crore tender details got leaked to our rivalry company. So Aarush Bhai is in extreme rage after knowing this and he already fired 10 employees who handled this tender,” Aryan said.

So that’s why Aarush’s phone is switched off and I’m damn sure he is going to take some impulsive decisions.

“Riti Di, you better don’t go inside now. We can’t predict how will he react,” Aryan said as concern laced in his voice.

“Don’t worry, Aryan. I will handle him.” I said as I opened the door of his cabin and at the same time I saw a vase flying in the air and it is coming in my direction but when it was about to touch me I dodged it and it breaks in the floor.

“Fuck!” I heard him saying as he run towards me.

“Riti, did it hit you? Are you hurt? Let me look,” he said as he checked me out.

“I’m fine, Aarush. It didn’t touch my body.” I said placing my hands in his biceps.

“I’m sorry I didn’t saw you. It could have hit you. I’m so sorry, Babydoll.” He said as I shook my head and take him in my embrace.

“Why my man is looking so frustrated? What happened?” I asked him without letting him go from my embrace and his hands also wrapping around me and pulled me close to him.

“Because of my carelessness our company is going to loss 100 crore tender. It will effect our company, Riti. I don’t know what to do.” He said as his voice is straining. I know that anger and guilt is erupting inside his body.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞Where stories live. Discover now