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D h r i t i

Can you believe it? He took that girl out to dinner just to make me jealous! I mean, come on - what's up with that? Anyway, I tried not to let it get me down and just shifted my gaze over to Veer.

"Dhriti, I swear I didn't share this location with him."

"Veer, it's alright. Many people come to this restaurant, so let's not let them bother us." We dedicated our attention to our meal.

"You both are here? What a coincidence!" Aarush came near us and said in a 'surprised' voice.

"Yeah, What a coincidence!" I said to him.

"I want to give a treat to my new Personal Assistant and I already said that she is more than a personal assistant to me." Why the hell is he repeating that?

"What is that more than a personal assistant means, Aarush? Is she your secret girlfriend?" Veer asked him with a mischievous look.

"Yeah Mr.Malhotra, Is something going between you both?" I asked him narrowing my eyes. Aarush passes me a surprised look. Of course, he will be shocked because he thinks I would be jealous, but I'm not.

"Do one thing, you both join us. What do you say, Veer?" I looked at Veer.

"Why not but if you don't have any problem?" Veer said to them.

"Yeah if you want some privacy, it's okay that you can sit at some other table," I said to him. He passed me a 'surprise' look number two. Wait and watch Mr Aarush Malhotra how I'm going to make you regret playing a jealous card with me.

"No, we're comfortable to sit here. Isn't it, Aarush?" Ancy said with a smile and held Aarush's arm. Aarush? Is she summoning him by name? And holding his arm? Why should I be concerned?

I brushed off my thoughts.

"I will sit with Veer. You both sit---"
"-No Dhriti, you sit there, I will come and sit beside you." Veer cut off me and sat beside me. Aarush pulled the chair for her and her cheeks tinted with red colour. Why the hell she is blushing for small things? 'Because she likes your Aarush.' What does she like, Aarush? What about Aarush? Does he like her? Why should I care? I want Aarush to move on from me.

"Dhriti, can I serve you this spaghetti?" Veer asked me.

"Of course," I said to him and he served me the spaghetti on my plate. Aarush and Ancy gave their orders.

"Veer, I like this salmon sushi bowl, it tastes good," I said to him taking a piece of salmon.

"I know you will like it. That's why I ordered it." He winked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Have you ever gone to Korea?" He asked me.

"No," I said to him.

"Have you ever tried Korean food?" He asked.

"No, Why are you asking me about these?" I asked him.

"So you wouldn't have tried Korean Sushi rice bowls, they are way better than these salmon sushi bowls. Actually, in Korean names, it is known as...uh? What was its name? Yeah...Hwedupbap." He said.

"What? Say it again, Hwdbap?" I asked with a giggle. Veer laughed at me "Not Hwdbap...it is Hwedubap." He said to me.

"Hwedupbap?" I said.

"Yeah...now it is correct," Veer said.

"I think now I have to try that food, Hwedubap," I said to him.

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