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A a r u s h

Now we're in Udaipur, for Aryan's wedding. As Maya's parents needed to conduct this wedding here so our family didn't neglect it. But the thing is I don't like the idea of leaving my Riti in Mumbai, now I even can't see her by secretly on Mehra Mansion.

If it wasn't for my brother's marriage, I wouldn't have come here. We did invite her, her brother and the whole Mehra family but the thing is I don't think they will come. Four days ago days when I went to see her at night, in Mehra Mansion I asked her about coming to the wedding she said: "I don't think my brother will take me to the wedding after all the things that happened to me recently". Yeah, her brother is overprotective so there is less possibility of her coming to the wedding.

Actually, we headed to Udaipur after the day I met Dhriti, so it's been three days, three fucking days I have seen her last. I call her and text her but that doesn't help the situation. I miss her, I miss her so much that even my mind is not under my control. I tried to engage in every work without taking a rest but at that time also my mind is filled with her face, her voice, her damn fragrance, her killing smile, her addictive lips and every single thing of her.

Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!

I need to see her so fucking much. Even if she is not on my side I don't know what the fuck will happen? Am I that much in love with her? No, I'm addicted to her.

"Billu!" I flinched when my Dadi's voice reached my ears.

"Dadi? What happened?" I asked her.

"Why did I send you here, Billu?" She asked me. Why did she send me here? I looked at my hands only to see an apple.

"Apple?" I gave her an apple and she took that from my hand.

"But this doesn't look like my husband, Billu. I wasn't married to an apple, I was married to the man who standing behind you. I sent you here to bring my husband not an apple." Dadi said in a matter-of-fact voice.

Oh shit! Dadi sent me here to call Dadu.

I heard some laughs behind me, I looked behind only to see my two asshole friends laughing their asses off, as well as my siblings, my parents and Dadu also laughing.

"Haan, Aarush. I married her, not an apple." Dadu said in between his laughs.

"What's wrong with you, Aarush?" Mom asked me.

"What is not wrong with him? Everything is wrong about him." Veer commented. Fucker!

"Okay, I'm also a human being, I also make mistakes sometimes. Why are you all exaggerating things?" I said to them.

"I think a normal human being can't make this type of mistake. I mean who will give an apple instead of a man." Ayaan said.

"Ayaan, dear, you better be silent otherwise I will stuff something inside your mouth," I warned him.

"But Ayaan is right who will do such mistakes," Rehaan said.

"But someone is influencing his mind that's why he is making these mistakes. Isn't it, Aarush?" Mom asked me with a mischievous look.

"Who is that someone, Badi Ma?" Aryan asked her.

"Can I say that, Aarush?"
"Do whatever you want, Mom," I said and came out from the scene.

"Aarush?" I heard Rehaan's sound behind me.

"What? Are you here to laugh at me again?" I asked him.

"How couldn't I laugh when you gave apple instead for calling your grandfather?" Rehaan said.

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