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A a r u s h

"But you want to let her go Aarush." Rehaan's words pierced through my ears.

"What the hell are you saying, Rehaan? I want to let her go? That's fucking impossible." I snarled at him.

"Aarush you're hurting her. Do you know what happened after you stormed out of the hotel yesterday?" He asked me. Yesterday I stormed out after an argument with my Babydoll. An unnecessary argument. But what happened after I left there that made Rehaan say that I let her go?

"I don't know what you both talked but after you left she completely broke down. She ran to rest room and I think she cried for a couple of minutes and then I took her with me to the hall." Rehaan's words clenched my heart. Because of me, her beautiful eyes filled with tears.

"And you know after that, she was on the verge of a panic attack if I didn't divert her attention surely it would end up in a panic attack." My whole attention went to the word 'panic attack'. My words hurt her this much. I'm a fool that I spat at her everything that came into my mind. I want to tear off myself for hurting her like that. The rush of emotions I felt when I realized that my words had the power to hurt her was electrifying! It's crazy to think that the mere fact that she loves me made my words carry such weight. I never knew that I had that much influence over her. It's both thrilling and scary at the same time.

"That means she loves me, guys," I said to them.

"Panic attack and love? How they're connected that you realize she loves you?" Veer asked me. Why does he always act like a dump?

"I mean my words are having such an impact on her so that means she loves me," I said to them.

"You used to say this before also," Rehaan said to me.

"Yeah but somewhere I was unsure that she doesn't love but now I'm hundred percent sure that she loves me." A smirk arose on my lips. I'm yearning to hold my Babydoll in my arms right now and give her the tightest embrace.
"Aarush but--"
"Not a word, Rehaan. I'm in a good mood don't spoil it. And let's go and enjoy the party." I said to them and came downstairs to see my Babydoll.

The guests were chattering here and there but my eyes were searching for her. Yeah! I saw her but what is the hell Ishaan doing with her? When I said he will be a pain in my ass I didn't think that it will become true like this. Look how he is clinging to my Babydoll. Can't he stand without touching her? His hands are wrapped around her shoulder. She is draped in a white plain saree with an off-shoulder blouse so in other words, he is touching her flawless skin that I didn't even touch. But today I'm not going to take this.

I went near them, and everyone was there Ruhi, Arjun, Ayaan, Aryan, Aashvi and Ishaan's sister also.

"Excuse me Ms.Dhriti Krishna I want to talk to you." I grabbed their attention.

"Okay." She said in her cold voice and emotionless face. She maintained professionalism.

"I want a personal conversation with you," I said to her.

"No personal conversation. You can talk to me from here." Her reply was flat. Ahh! This girl is embarrassing me in front of everyone but I deserve this. I was the one who started everything.

I maintained a poker face and said to her

"I will wait for you upstairs. I hope that you will be there in five minutes." I said to her.

"Is that an order?" She asked me. This girl has a special talent for testing my patience.

"Who am I to order you, Madam?" I said to her without noticing everyone was there. I'm damn sure that she cursed me in her mind.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang