34 - The Winter Ball

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Cover image: AnnarieMidori

3rd Person POV

The Great Hall had been transformed into a magical winter wonderland, in preparation for the Winter Ball. The long House tables were replaced with smaller tables, which were adorned with silver and white frosted decorations, glittering with enchantments to make everything appear frozen. And the walls were sparkling with frost under the starry black ceiling, the only other source of light other than the floating candles that were smattered about.

The house elves were clattering around in the kitchens beneath the Hall, preparing a delicious roast meal for the students, who were due to arrive in the Hall any minute. The Professors had arrived earlier to ensure everything was in order for a magical evening, all looking especially gussied up for the event.

Sebastian and Ominis were waiting patiently in the Slytherin Common Room, along with the other Slytherin boys, for their dates – who had been taking forever to get ready.

"What's taking them so long?" Ominis huffed impatiently.

Sebastian chuckled. "Calm down, mate. They're girls. Of course they're going to take longer than us to get ready."

At that moment, a cacophony of giggles rang out from the girl's dormitories, as the Slytherin ladies emerged, all looking very sparkly and glamorous.

"Wow, you boys scrubbed up well," Violet complimented the boys as her and Grace joined them.

"Thank you, Violet," Ominis said gallantly.

Sebastian smiled and nodded politely. "And you girls did, too."

"Thanks Seb," Violet grinned, swishing the purple silk skirts of her dress. "Wait 'til you see your date, Sebastian," she winked at him. "Yours too, Ominis – not that you'll be able to see her, but she really does look stunning. Just so you know."

"I bet she does," Ominis sighed happily.

Juliet and Poppy were the last of the girls to come down. And it was certainly worth the wait.

Poppy wore a glittering golden gown, her dark brown hair tied back with sprigs of baby's-breath flowers. She looked just like a pixie Queen.

Linking arms with her was Juliet, whose dress was like nothing Sebastian had ever seen before. The silk and tulle material had a shimmering white sheen to it, with flecks of holographic purple, pink and green which shone with each step she took. Her hair tumbled down her shoulders in loose waves, sparkling diamantés peppered throughout.

"Damn," Sebastian whispered under his breath, as he drank in the sight of her.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she looked up and locked eyes with Sebastian. A smile spread across her face as she gracefully walked towards him."Wow! Look at you, handsome," she gushed, reaching up to run her hand along the collar of his dress robes. "And your hair! I've never seen you looking so... just, wow!"

Sebastian ran his fingers along the shiny material of her dress, landing at her waist and gently tugging her towards him. He leant in and kissed her softly on the lips. "And you, my love, look like a fairy princess," he grinned. "How on earth did I get so lucky to have such a beautiful date?"

Juliet laughed. "Oh stop, you're going to make me cry! I don't want to ruin my makeup!"

Sebastian held his arm out gallantly for her to take. "Shall we?"

She linked her arm in his, and off they went to the Ball.

And Sebastian could hardly take his eyes off Juliet the whole way there.

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