Chapter 2: Eye Contact

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Tris POV

We are now walking towards the cafeteria. Our classes are finished so we are heading for lunch break.

Christina introduced me to some of her friends, Shauna, Marlene and Lynn. We have some of our classes together which is awesome.

Chris is currently blabbering with Marlene and Shauna about stuff like shopping and clothes here while I stare off into space with Lynn while listening to her rants.

"Is she always this kind of loud?" I ask Lynn.

"Yep. You just have to get used to it." She said.

We reach the cafeteria and order our lunch. We sit on a table. I sat between Marlene and Shauna, Chris sat beside Lynn on the other side of the table.

"Hey. How about we go shopping tomorrow afternoon?" Christina said.

"Yeah sure." Mar and Shauna answer but Lynn just groaned.

"What about you, Tris?"

"Sure. I'll just ask my parents." I reply

"Awesome." Mar said. Just then a group of guys barge in the cafeteria and made almost all the girls swoon. Including Mar, Shauna and Chris.

"Who's that?" I ask them.

"Just stay away from them. They're trouble." Lynn said.

"They're the most popular boys here in the campus." Marlene said.

I sneak a glance at them and I meet the most mesmerizing ocean blue eyes I have ever seen. Our eyes lock and I feel butterflies in my stomach.
I immediately look away.

What was that?

"Who's that guy over there?" I say, pointing to Mr. Blue eyes.

"That's Four. he's like, the leader of the group. He's a dickhead along with his current slut Lauren. But, she's just using him as a sex material though. Four had dated like, ALMOST all the girls in the school and then leave them broken hearted. Which is why I prefer Zeke over there." Shauna explained pointing to the guy with mocha skin with brown tousling hair. "He's... Uggghhhhhh PERF."

"Shut up, Shaun. Like he will notice you over the girls that drool over him." Lynn said to her sister.

"Whatever." Shauna scoffs.

"Duhhh. I prefer Uriah." Marlene said looking at another guy with mocha skin who has Chocolate Icing smeared over his face."He's so funny, and charming, and handsome, and... *squeals*" I just laugh at her.

"I think Will is the cutest." Christina said. Referring to the blonde guy with celery green eyes. What is going on here?

"But we all know that neither of them will talk to all of you." Lynn said. And the girls pout.

I steal a look at Number Boy who is currently talking to that Zeke guy. But he's already staring at me. I blush and look away. God, what is wrong with me?

We finish lunch, and as if on cue, the bell rings. We head to our next class.

Four POV

Me and the guys walk in the cafeteria and I notice all the girls stare at us. I got used to it. We get our orders and sit down at our usual table, where no one dares to sit at.

Uri is currently talking about how awesome the cake is. What caught my attention is the girl... The new girl with blonde hair and blue-grey eyes. Our eyes locked for a moment, the she look away and continue to talk with her friends.

"--what are you smiling about, Four?" Zeke nudged me with his elbow.

I didn't notice until now that I had a smirk on my face. I put back on my 'cool' face.

"Hey dude, what should I do to get Shauna to talk to me?" Zeke is so in love with that Shauna girl. I realized she's sitting next to the new girl. So is Marlene, whom Uriah is drooling over, and Christina whom Will is dying to get to know, but never spoken a word.

"I think you should talk to her." I say. I know it's easy tell him that, but when you do it, it's hard. Especially when you like the girl.

"You say like it's easy." He said, reading my mind. "But I have to bro... I HAVE TO!" He said.

I turn my attention to the new girl, I see her laughing about what Marlene squealed about.

She's so... Beautiful.

Dang it, Four. You have a girlfriend and you love her. Or... Do I? Lauren is just hanging out with me to get into my pants, and then gossip about it, making the other girls jealous.

I don't think I really LOVE her. I need someone to talk to, about my problems, about my bastard of a father, I need someone who I can cuddle with, and love her forever. Man, I wish I knew how would that feel.

The new girl sneaks a glance at me, but she caught me staring at her. There's no chance to look away now. Her cheeks flushed a pink color and then she looks away.

Just then, the bell rings.

Heyo people! Thank u for the reads that u guys gave me. I'm sooo happy! I hope you liked it so far... I can't update for a few days later cause of school and what not. Sorry. I promise you that I'll give a chapter every weekend.

I know it may seem bad but... Gimme some credit! I'm 13 for God's sake.

Thanks guys! Comment and vote.


Perfect Haters: (Divergent High) [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora