To tie a tie

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(Yall i usually don't credit the artist of the pics in here bc I can never find them but I follow this on insta and they're SO GOOD @/libpaint on instagram. GO FOLLOW RN)

Also, Ahsoka and Anakin aren't dressed the same in the pic as this chapter, although Ahsoka's dress is similar. (I did not know this art existed while I wrote this so this was just a happy accident :D )

Anyways, enjoy <3333


Ahsoka walked along the white marble floors of Padme's apartment, her heels clicking with every step.

"Master! I'm ready!" She called out to Anakin, smoothing her hands over the scarlet fabric of her dress.

The smooth cloth wrapped around Ahsoka's arms, leaving her shoulders bare and letting her scars from Zygerria decorating her unclothed skin.

[Read my chapter "Scars" for more context 🫶🏻 (we love a self marketing queen: aka me)]

The dress draped over her legs and opened with a slit that stopped at her knee.

Ahsoka's akul teeth sat around the top of her forehead, with thin, ornate rose gold chains enveloping the tips and valley of her montrals.

A loud bang sounded against the door Ahsoka had called out to, followed with a curse, a chuckle escaped the young togruta.

Ahsoka approached the door, "You good?" She asked, a smirk etched on her face.

The door flung open, revealing a very disheveled Anakin with a frustrated frown and a slight pant.

Ahsoka slid her gaze from Anakin's to where his hands fiddled roughly with his tie

"I don't know how to tie kriffing thing!" Anakin exclaimed, his voice a slight screech.

Ahsoka resisted a laugh, her cheeks puffing with the effort. "How do you not know is to tie a tie, Master?"

Anakin grunted, "Padme always does it for me."

Unfortunately for them, Padme Amidala was away on a diplomatic retreat and was not on planet to help her dear husband.

Ahsoka raised an brow marking, "And you never bothered to pay attention?"

Anakin averted his gaze, watching the Coruscanti view with feigned innocence.

Ahsoka sighed, shaking her head with an amused smile. She reached up, slapping Anakin's hands away from the tie and was responded with a yelp of surprise.

"Follow what I'm doing."

Ahsoka slipped the weirdly twisted tie of Anakin's neck before fixing it and looping it back. She crossed one end over the other and slipped it through the knot with a tug.

Her fingers moved with practiced precision, fixing the tie to the center of Anakin's neck and tugging a little more.

Anakin watched his student working with a focused expression etched onto her face.

He was not even slightly paying attention to Ahsoka's actions, he simply watched her with fond eyes and a proud smile.

Ahsoka tugged one last time before fixing Anakin's shirt collar and backing away.

Her eyes trailed the long of Anakin, and she nodded when she was satisfied with his appearance.

Anakin chuckled and Ahsoka looked up.
"What?" She asked with a smile.

"Nothing." Anakin responded with the same smile.

"You look nice, my little padawan." He said, winking at her as she rolled her eyes with a grin.

Ahsoka's heels clicked beneath her as she walked towards the door and reached for the coats next to it.

"Where are your shoes?" Ahsoka called out.
"On my feet!" Anakin responded.

Ahsoka turned towards him and gave him a look.

Anakin lifted his hands in surrender. "Snips, you don't have to take care of me. I'm the master, you're the padawan."

Ahsoka lifted her brow marking at her master. "Since you're the master, I'm just going to let you do everything." Ahsoka then turned on her heels and walked out the door.

Anakin threw his head back and laughed. He sauntered over to the door, grabbed the speeder keys, flicked the light switch with the force and followed behind his dear padawan.

He didn't forget to close the door. Only because his sweet sister reminded him with a slap to the forearm.

It left a big red mark on his arm.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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