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Sorry to be one of those annoying authors who posts whole chapters for authors notes and I probably will delete this at some point because I don't want to break up the story with this chapter, but Part 3 is going to take place in between season 6 and season 7 of Doctor Who, meaning it will be completely off script and I will have a lot of room for lots of fun adventures and less serious chapters (for once) with the Doctor and Cherry and basically anyone who is still alive (Craig, Amy and Rory, Sarah Jane etc).

Basically, I wanted to ask if you guys have any ideas for chapters or adventures or anything you would like to see? (I can't promise to include them all if you do have any ideas but I will certainly try)

Anyway, thank you for 70k reads, and I am currently working on the next chapter so hopefully it won't be too long before I publish it

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