Chapter Fifty-five

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They stare at the redhead in shock as she refuses their help

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They stare at the redhead in shock as she refuses their help. None of them know what to say in response to her stubbornness, and Cherry is still a little too disoriented from the handbot to actually process what is happening.

"Times up," Amy says, holding up her buzzing sonic screwdriver. "Handbots coming."

She walks through the door frame, and Cherry and Rory follow her. Cherry's legs still feel a little funny, and they shake as she walks, but she manages fine without any help.

"Amy, you've got to help us help you. I need you to think back," the Doctor says as Cherry and Rory call after her. She storms off into the temporal engine room, leaving Cherry and Rory in a stunned silence outside. "Thirty-six years ago. Amy? Amy!"

"It's never easy, is it," Cherry sighs, taking the glasses off of her face and rubbing the lenses with the sleeve of her jacket to try and get rid of the smudges on them.

"What are you doing?" The Doctor grumbles, only able to see the red fabric of her coat.

"Well, I can barely see out of these things," Cherry complains. "They have fingerprints all over them."

"Well, now I can't see," the Doctor huffs and Cherry rolls her eyes before she slips the glasses back onto her face.


"Much better," he says, and she smiles a little. Cherry notices then that Rory is inspecting something on the door. He lifts the magnifying glass up to try and decipher a red smudge on the white metal of the door.

"Look," he breathes out, and the smudges on the door become words on the screen of the magnifying glass. "You told her to leave us a sign, and she did."

'Doctor, I'm waiting,' is written on the door in the past in red lipstick and Cherry frowns.

"And she waited," Rory says. Cherry frowns then, and she hands the glasses over to Rory before she barges into the temporal engine room and follows after Amy.

"Amy," she calls out to her cousin. "I know you're upset with me for whatever reason, but we're just trying to help you. We can stop any of this from ever happening."

Rory bursts into the room then, rushing over to them. "Amy, why won't you help yourself?"

"He wants to rescue past me from thirty-six years back, which means I'll cease to exist. Everything I've seen and done dissolves. Time is rewritten," Amy explains and Cherry furrows her eyebrows.

"That's... that's good, isn't it?" Rory presses.

"I will die. Another Amy will take my place. An Amy who never got trapped at Twostreams, an Amy who grew old with you, and she, in thirty-six years, won't be me," the older woman argues.

"But this isn't you," Cherry says to the redhead, who looks offended. "I'm sorry, but Amy would never say those things. She would never say that to me."

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