Chapter Three

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"Well, anything you want to say? Any passing remarks?" The Doctor queries smugly as Cherry steps into the Tardis

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"Well, anything you want to say? Any passing remarks?" The Doctor queries smugly as Cherry steps into the Tardis. It's much bigger on the inside than it is on the outside and her mouth falls agape in awe as she carefully takes in every detail of the Tardis' interior. The walls are covered in shiny, copper-covered sheets and hexagons, and a staircase in front of her leads to a platform with a glass floor. In the middle of the platform, there's a control centre. Cherry circles the control panel, laughing at the random bits and bobs like a retro-style TV screen, a typewriter, and a gramophone. Underneath the glass platform, there's exposed wiring and machinery lit up with green lights. Cherry's eyes sparkle as she looks up at the green column in the centre of the Tardis with glass orbs lit up within it, and the Doctor watches her and Amy closely. "I've heard them all."

"I'm in my nightie," Amy says quietly as the Doctor runs up the stairs, jumping when he reaches the top and landing on the platform with a laugh.

"Oh, don't worry," he tells her. "Plenty of clothes in the wardrobe and possibly a swimming pool." He flashes Cherry a cheeky grin, but she's distracted, staring down at the yoghurt in her hand. "You're in a time machine and you're more interested in that poison?"

"Do you have spoons?" Cherry asks him, looking up at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes," the Doctor tells her. "So, all of time and space, everything that ever happened or ever will. Where do you want to start?"

"You're so sure we're coming," Amy eyes him, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, I am," the Doctor agrees.


"Because you're the only Scottish girls in the English village, and I know how that feels."

"Oh, do you?" Amy asks, raising an eyebrow as she fiddles with something on the Tardis control panel.

"All these years living here, most of your life, and you've still got those accents. Yeah, you're coming," the Doctor says confidently. "Besides, Cherry and I have some unfinished business to take care of."

"Can you get us back for tomorrow morning?" Amy asks, and he scoffs.

"It's a time machine! I can get you back five minutes ago," the Doctor reminds her, and Cherry raises her eyebrows and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Can you really because I've only met you once, and both times, you've been notoriously bad at getting back on time?" Cherry points out. She's unwilling to miss Amy and Rory's wedding or have their aunt send out missing person posters if they don't get back home for three years.

"Yes! The Tardis is fixed now," the Doctor reassures her. "It will be fine. What's tomorrow?"

"Nothing, nothing," Amy tells him, ignoring the look Cherry sends her. "Just... you know, stuff."

"All right then," the Doctor eyes them suspiciously. "Back in time for stuff."

"Oh, a new one!" The console of the Tardis produces a Sonic Screwdriver from a slot within it, and the Doctor excitedly picks it up and presses the button to switch it on. The light on the end shines, and it's bright green, unlike his old one, which had been blue. "Lovely," the Doctor throws it into the inside pocket of his jacket and leans closer to the console. "Thanks, dear."

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