Chapter Forty-one

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"Corridors," House speaks when nobody answers his question

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"Corridors," House speaks when nobody answers his question. "I have corridors. So much to learn about my new home. But you haven't answered my question, children."

"Er... question?" Rory responds, confused. He's clinging onto Amy, both protectively and fearfully, and Cherry is doing the same.

"You remember," House states simply. "Tell me why I shouldn't just kill you three now?"

"I would argue the more reasonable question is, why should you kill us at all?" Cherry says and Amy sends her a sharp glare as House laughs maliciously.

"I have no use for you. So why should I keep you alive?"

"Well, because..." Amy starts confidently but trails off and nudges her husband. "Rory, why?"

"Because... killing us quickly wouldn't be any fun," Rory tells House uncertainly. "And you need fun, don't you? That's what Uncle and Auntie were for, wasn't it? Someone to make suffer. I had a PE teacher just like you. You need to be entertained, and killing us quickly wouldn't be entertainment."

"So entertain me," House orders. "Run!"

They instantly break into runs, dropping each other's hands as they speed up the stairs and into the corridors House claims he has to learn about.

"Nice one, Rory," Cherry huffs, her chest rising and falling rapidly from the exercise. Their feet slap against the floor as they rush through the white and gold, dimly lit corridors. There's a sudden drop in the floor, and Rory has to catch Amy before she falls off of the edge and into the vertical corridor.

"So, are we having fun yet? I'm rather enjoying the sensation of having you running around inside me," House says, and Cherry cringes at his wording. "I've turned off the corridor anti-grav, so do be careful."

"Come on," Amy says, ignoring him as she starts to shuffle around the edge of the perpendicular corridor and plants her feet firmly on the ground of the horizontal corridor. She helps Rory across, but he almost slips and falls and Cherry's heart just about stops. Her knees are shaking, her hands jerking so violently from her fear that she hides them behind her back as she peers down the steep drop below. "Cherry, come on."

"No..." she says, her voice hoarse. She squeezes her eyes shut, trying not to picture the day she fell off that climbing frame all those years ago, or the fall down the feeding tube into the Star Whale's mouth, or being pushed off the top floor of a New York Skyscraper, but it's no use. Those were bad enough, and the Doctor isn't there to save her this time. If she falls from this high, she will surely die. "I-I can't. I can't do it."

"Do you think we would let you fall?" Amy hisses at her, holding her hands out as far as she can, and Rory does the same. "Just grab our hands and you'll be fine."

Cherry hesitates for a moment, and then she draws closer to the edge, her arms flailing out to the side where Amy and Rory grab onto her with both hands.

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